When choosing a weapon or a gun for survival, it is essential to think about some additional devices to get it equipped with. Of course, some survival skills and items of survival gear are of the topmost importance, but they won’t get you game. Your survival backpack contents should help you stay nourished in the wilderness unless your food supplies or water resources are unlimited. What also matters is your ability to adjust to the situation and your proper preparedness for everything.
In the past 200 years, long-range shooting was an important part of every military in the world. And if in the 19th century even 2 or 3 hundred yards were considered a long-distance and people who were able to hit the target on such a long-range were considered real snipers, now long-range rifle can shoot well beyond 1.000 meters. Thus, for example, the world record for the longest shot in combat was set by a Canadian sniper in Iraq, the astonishing 3540 meters!
Nowadays, long-range shooting is gaining momentum. It’s popular among the military, law enforcement agents, and civilians. Reasons for that are numerous. Some use long-range rifles for sport, which not only requires owning a rifle – the knowledge of wind, humidity, and air pressure is also important. Some think that long-range shooting abilities would help them survive during an actual emergency when every meter counts. Some like them for hunting, while others stick with bows.. Consider learning more from our AR15 tool kit guide here. There are many long-range hunting rifles that let you shoot an animal from a very safe distance.
TOP Best Long Range Rifles
1. The Savage AXIS II Precision
Let’s start our list with something light and budget-friendly. The Savage AXIS II Precision could be a good candidate for being your first precision rifle.
Savage AXIS II Precision has a very good and exclusive adjustable comb height with MDT chassis and great spacers. Moreover, the manufacturer adds the MLOK fore-end. The non-fluted barrel of AXIS II Precision is heavy and comes with a muzzle cap. The trigger is adjustable and can be from 2 to 6 pounds which is very convenient, especially if you are buying a rifle for the whole family. The magazine is detachable and can hold up to 10 units. Moreover, the AXIS II Precision is available with .308 and 6.5 Creedmoor. But what is the best about this rifle is the price which is below 1.000$.
2. Mossberg MVP Precision
The next rifle on our list is Mossberg MVP Precision. It is a very distinctive rifle for several reasons. First of all, I have to say that this rifle is made on the Mossberg chassis model with adjustable buttstock, which is very convenient. Moreover, the chassis also sports a fully-enclosed action.
This rifle is also offered with different calibers, including .224 valkyrie, .308 Winchester, and .6.5 Creedmoor. The rifle has a threaded barrel which is relatively short, except for the 6.5 Creedmoor model, which has a longer barrel. Moreover, the threaded barrel is made of button rifled steel with 5R rifling. The trigger is adjustable and can be set from 3 to 7 pounds, and what is also nice is that the trigger guard is oversized, which allows you to shoot with the gloves on. Furthermore, the barrel length is not an issue because it is on average level. Also, we should not forget that this rifle has one of the best magazine versatility on the market because it accepts magazines from AR-10 and M14!
With the factory ammo and without any improvements, the MOA of Mossberg precision would be a bit less than 1. Also, the rifle can easily reach 1.000 yards. Considering that the price is about 1.000$ and the weight is about 10 pounds, this rifle can be a good choice for beginners.
3. Sig Sauer Cross Rifle
Now, we can look at something a bit more expensive but still surprisingly lightweight. Sig Sauer is a well-known and well-established name in the weapon manufacturing business. But they have not presented their product in the long-range precision rifle market before. Gladly they do now by offering a very interesting model. It gained a lot of popularity even in the military units.
The Sig Sauer Cross rifle is very small and lightweight (under 6.5 pounds). That makes it perfect for a long-range rifle. The rifle is lightweight and small in size – with an average barrel length of 28 inches (depending on the exact model).
The stock of the Sig Sauer cross is very convenient and has an adjustable length of pull as well as an adjustable cheekpiece. The trigger is also adjustable. Moreover, Sig Sauer provided us with the Picatinny rail for different optics and other tactical features. The 16-18″ inches barrel is also pretty legit and solid. Speaking about the shooting from the rifle, users report that it is very effective at a 600-yard distance.
The price for this piece is about 1.800$ which is a bit expensive, so before buying this rifle, you have to think carefully.
4. Ruger Hawkeye Long-Range Target Rifle
Now I want to present another rifle from another prominent manufacturer, Ruger Hawkeye Long-range Target Rifle.
This rifle is usually overlooked by the Americans, first of all, because of its design, and I agree that at first glance, it does not look too modern. Moreover, speaking of comfort, shooting from this firearm feels like shooting a brick. However, when you look at other characteristics of the rifle – especially the precision – you might consider buying it.
The stock of the rifle is composite, which adds rigidity and weight to the rifle. Also, the stock is equipped with an adjustable comb height, which helps to set the rifle right. The free-floating barrel is 26 inches long and feels heavy, but it is fitted with the Ruger Precision Rifle Hybrid Muzzle Brake, which is able to reduce recoil and makes shooting more comfortable. The steel from which the rifle is made also has 5R rifling. Moreover, Picatinny rail can be added to this rifle which guarantees great possibilities for customization.
The rifle is available with 300 Win Mag caliber as well as with 6.5 Creedmoor and .204 Ruger. The two-stage trigger is very comfortable. But what is the most important is the fact that this rifle is great for long-distance shooting during drills and hunting with an effective range of 1000 yards.
5. Remington 700 5R
Remington 700 is the classical American weapon that proved itself to be very good and is still in use despite the fact that it was originally manufactured during the Vietnam war. Moreover, different modification of this rifle is still used in US army and USMC!
And the Remington 700 5R is worthy offspring of the first models. This rifle is available in various calibers (including 300 win mag and 223 rem) and barrel lengths. The rifle has a heavy barrel which is also threaded (the second generation has fluted barrels). The stock is composite and made of full-length aluminum bedding blocks. Moreover, the muzzle brake of this rifle is also worth attention. The barrel length is average.
Speaking of magazines, this rifle has none like all classic rifles. The weapon has an X-mark pro trigger which should be suitable for most customers. Without any adjustment, Remington 700 5R shows .5 to .7 MOA, which is very great. Furthermore, the rifle has a very affordable price which is about 1.000$. The only downside can be the weight which is 8 pounds. Also, it is important to mention that this rifle can be easily customized, and you can attach to it almost everything from new chassis to some new optics.
So, in my opinion, the Remington 700 5R would be a very great choice for anyone from an experienced gun owner to a freshman because of its great precision, long-range, and simplicity. This is one of those cases when you can’t go wrong with old school.
6. Savage Model 10/110 FCP HS Precision
Now it is time to look at another rifle from the Savage arms company, namely the Savage model 10/110 FCP HS Precision. Unlike the first rifle from Savage arms on our list, this rifle is very classical and simple and concentrated on precision.
This model can be a great choice for anyone from hunters to law enforcement agents. This model was made to work well at a long distance, and the precision is indeed good. The rifle is made from an HS precision fiberglass stick with an aluminum bedding system.
Because of this technology, the movement is secured to the stock, which guarantees better accuracy. Moreover, the rifle has a threaded fluted heavy barrel and is fitted with a muzzle brake which helps to decrease the power of the recoil. The rifle is as effective at 100 yards as it is at 400, without any adjustments! Which is great for long-range precision shooting.
Speaking about calibers, this Savage arms Model is available with 300 Win Mag and .338 Lapua. The price is also very appealing – just about 1000$, which is similar to other classic models. The weight is 9 pounds and is also pretty average.
7. Remington 700 PCR
Now let’s come back to another classical American manufacturer Remington, but this time with a more modern version of their prominent long-range rifle Remington 700 PCR. This model of Remington is as good as any other Remington model. It is heavy, stable, and precise and would fit any hunter who surely knows how to reload shells or sportsman who likes target shooting.
The main advantage of this Remington model is that it is very customizable. Probably this is the most customizable rifle on the market. Also, it was made specifically for long-range shooting. The rifle features include Magpul Gen 3 chassis, which is made from aluminum and coated in Teflon. The rifle is available with .260 rem .308 and 6.5 Creedmoor. The barrel is free-floating and threaded with 5R rifling. Also, it has an aluminum handguard.
Another advantage of this rifle is that, unlike other Remington models, it uses detachable AICS magazines. The trigger pull and buttstock are both adjustable. According to the factory settings, the trigger is set to 3.5 lbs, but you can change it to 2.5 lbs. Also, this model is equipped with a long optics rail which allows you to fit almost everything you want on the rifle.
Furthermore, this rifle, as well as all their rifles, is tested with a Remington computer system which guarantees quite good precision. In general, I would say that this is the rifle for people who still want Remington’s quality and precision but want it in a more modern way.
Also, it is worth looking at the new Remington 700 PCR-E, which has a longer barrel and, as a result, longer range. It also has Picatinny rail, which allows even more customization.
8. Savage model 10 BA Stealth
Another Savage model on our list. This rifle, in its long-range variant, is offered with 300 Win Mag and .338 Lapua calibers. Probably the main feature of this rifle is Drake Associates Hunter Stalker Chassis which is made from a single piece of aluminum that guarantees greater reliability.
The barrel of the Savage model, 10 BA Stealth, is threaded and can work with different muzzle devices. The barrel has an average weight as well as an average barrel length of 24″. The barrel also has 5R rifling, which is always a plus. The buttstock has a totally adjustable cheek riser as well as an adjustable length of pull. Moreover, the buttstock is equipped with a rubber buttpad for additional comfort.
Making this rifle, Savage did not forget their traditions, so it also has AccuTrigger that is adjustable from 6 to 1.5 pounds. This rifle is great at 1000 yards distance and has an MOA index under .1, with factory settings and ammo! So, there will be room for improvement.
9. Christensen Arms Moder Precision Rifle
Now it is time to look at a rifle manufacturer with another attitude to rifles for long-range shooting. And Christensen Arms, with their Modern Precision Rifle, seems to be a good candidate. The discussion about this rifle I want to start with the main downside of this weapon which is price because it costs 2.000$, which makes this rifle one of the most expensive on our list. However, believe me, this price comes for a good reason.
The rifle features the Christensen Arms aluminum V bedded chassis with a very comfortable cheek raiser, foldable stock, and an extremely convenient and adjustable length of pull. The barrel used in this rifle is Remington 700, which is very reliable, button rifled, free-floating, and comes with a threaded muzzle. Moreover, this barrel is carbon fiber wrapped.
Speaking of calibers, the rifle comes with a lot of them. You can find models with .223 REM, 6.5 Creedmoor .308 WIN, 300NM, and many more. The magazines are versatile and AICS styled. With factory ammunition, the rifle shows .7-1 MOA with clear room for improvement so, if the price is not an issue for you, I would definitely recommend you to consider buying this masterpiece.
10. Daniel Defense Delta 5
Being another astonishing rifle with a price tag of 2.000$, Daniel Defense Delta 5 has no other option but to be one of the best rifles on the market in every aspect. And the rifle is not disappointing, especially in terms of quality and accuracy, and can compete with every rifle on our list.
Despite being a relatively small company, Daniel Defense has managed to build this rifle from muzzle to buttstock (excluding trigger). Moreover, they did it with good quality and top precision. What is the most appealing about this rifle is the ability to swap barrels easily, even in your own basement. This interchangeability allows you to attach different barrels to the chassis to shoot using different calibers. So, the choice between 6.5 Creedmoor and 300 Win Mag will not be an issue for you anymore. Also, the barrels are threaded and are average in length.
The stock is carbon-fiber-reinforced and made from a polymer which significantly reduces the weight. Moreover, the stock has an adjustable buttstock and cheek riser. The action of the rifle is mechanically bedded and made from stainless steel with an awesome recoil lug. The trigger is an adjustable Timney Elite Hunter. Also, the rifle comes with an AICS magazine for 5 rounds.
As far as precision goes, Delta Defense guarantees MOA less than 0.75, which is simply lovely, especially because you can always improve this rifle.
In conclusion, I can say that this is a capable rifle that will satisfy all precision shooters and that it has only one downside, which is the price.
11. MasterPiece Arms BA Lite PCR
The next rifle on our list is also expensive and costs 2.000$, but it still has many features that let it make this list.
The first reason why we could not overlook BA Lite PCR by MasterPiece Arms (MPA) is the credentials of the manufacturer. Indeed, MasterPiece Arms is one of the most credited arms manufacturers in the US with a long list of victories that we could not list here because, dear reader, it will take too much of your precious time.
Moreover, we can talk not only about the credentials of the manufacturers but about the rifle because it also has a lot to offer. For example, the action of this rifle set into one of the best chassis, which has V bedding and additional clearance support and is made from steel. Even more, it has adjustable cheek rest, length of pull, and tactical stock. Furthermore, the most appealing thing about this chassis is the fact that it has an inclinometer which is very convenient and rare.
Trigger specs
Also, the rifle has a Trigger Tech trigger, 60 degrees bolt throw with a 3 lug bolt. The barrel is quite long, M24 contour. The rifle is offered in 6.5 Creedmoor .223 and .308.
If you chose a rifle with a caliber less than 6.5 mm, MPA guarantees a 0.305 MOA index. If the caliber is bigger than 6.5mm, the guaranteed MOA index would be 0.5, still above the average. Moreover, if you do not want to bother yourself with the load development, MPA will do it for you just for 350$! Also, MPA has its own custom shop where you can buy a lot of upgrades for your rifle and change it in the way you want it to be, from colors to the exact length of the barrel.
Considering the client support, level of customization, and, more importantly, precision, I can say that this rifle is worth 2.000$, so you should definitely give it a look.
12. Howa HCR
Let’s take a look at one more not-American long-range rifle on this list. One can think that we add this rifle here just to make a list more diverse. And that would be the wrong thing to say. Even though this rifle is Japanese, it has something to offer even to an experienced American shooter.
The action of a Howa HCR rifle is fitted into an aluminum chassis which ends with a free-floating threaded heavy barrel. The trigger is the HACT-2, which is set at 3lbs. Moreover, the rifle features a fully adjustable MBA buttstock which allows the shooter to operate in 6 different positions of adjustment of the length of pull. Also, the high comb is ambidextrous and has a cheek weld. To enhance customization abilities, Howa added ERGO grip and is compatible with AR-style furniture. The muzzle brakes are also worth attention.
The rifle is good at the competition as well as at hunting. It is not too heavy, and you can fold it to easily fit it in your pack. Another advantage of this Japanese rifle is that it works with AICS magazines which you can find in any ammo store across the country. Plus, the rifle is available with different calibers such as 6.5 Creedmoor, 300 Win Mag, .328.
The rifle is ready to get the target at 1000 yards distance already after you unpack it! But the main advantage of this Japanese weapon is the price which is about 1.000$. Moreover, we should not forget that the Howa gives a lifetime warranty for its production!
13. Remington Model 700 SPS Tactical AAC-CD
After discussing the Japanese rifle, let’s talk about something entirely American, for example, Remington and their new Model 700 SPS Tactical AAC-CD.
First of all, I want to stress that this is a rifle designed specifically for long-range shooting and is cheap – probably, very cheap – with an average price of about 700-800$, and extremely popular among sportsmen and law enforcement agencies.
This rifle is a typical Remington 700 with all its pros and cons. But the main thing is that it is still extremely reliable, has a lot of spare parts in every store, and is quite good at long-range target shooting. This specific model comes with a 6.5 Creedmoor or .308 mag. It has a very heavy threaded bull free-floating barrel that can accommodate any muzzle device.
The stock of the rifle is pillar bedded and made from polymer with fiberglass reinforcement. The rifle also has an average X-mark pro trigger, which is adjustable, although the range is not too wide. So, many customers often replace this trigger with something more convenient because they want more trigger control.
Anyway, a factory-made rifle without any customization will hit less than 1 MOA, which is a pretty good result for this price. So, this long-range rifle would be a very good choice for newcomers in long-range shooting.
14. Tikka T3x Tac A1 Rifle
This is the second great rifle on our list that comes from abroad, this time from Finland. Finish rifle manufacturers have always been good since the time of the Winter war. And this long-range rifle from Tikka is not an exception.
I would like to start the description of the Tikka T3x Tac A1 rifle by highlighting that this rifle – unlike the most long-range bolt action rifles in the world – is unique because it is not a downright Remington 700 rip-off.
This rifle was designed with a different attitude using modular-driven technologies. First, they made an action, and only afterward they came up with chassis made exclusively for this action. The chassis is made of solid aluminum block and uses a two-lug system that accommodates trigger, action, and a magazine. A folding stock is also attached to this chassis.
The trigger is adjustable and two-staged. Also, it has an M-look fore-end and side folding stock with cheekpiece and externally adjustable length. The barrel is free-floating and, of course, threaded. The bolt throw is very short, which makes it cycle faster.
One downside is that Tikka does not accommodate AICS magazines, so you should buy 5 round magazines from Tikka, which cost around 50$ per unit. Speaking of calibers, you can find Tikka T3x with 6.5 Creedmoor and .308 rem. Tikka guarantees an MOA index of less than 1, which is not that great considering the price of 1.800$. However, you can improve the rifle with the right ammunition.
15. Bergara B14 HMR
Now, let’s look at the Spanish manufacturer Bergara and their B14 HMR (which stands for hunting and match rifle). This production rifle is really proving its name because it combines the best sides of match and hunting rifles. So, you can use it in the wood and at the shooting range, the features that most shooters find very appealing.
From first sight, this crossover rifle looks like a usual hunting rifle. However, it still has a buttstock with adjustable length, and the cheekpiece is also adjustable! Besides all these features and polymer stock, I have to mention Bergara mini chassis system, which is very light but still very rigid and gives top precision.
Talking about threaded barrels, the rifle also has something to offer. Although Bergara barrels come without muzzles, they have thread protectors. Bergara crossover rifle comes with a lot of calibers, including 6.5 Creedmoor and .308. All Bergara rifles have 1 MOA guarantee with the usual ammo. The price of 1.000$ is also very appealing. So, it can easily be the right rifle for you.
16. Ruger Precision Rifle
For the desert on our list, I left the most serious rifle. The Ruger precision rifle gained a lot of popularity since it was introduced, and it happened for many reasons. Some people even say that the Ruger precision rifle was the main reason for developing long-distance rifles in the US.
This rifle is fully equipped for any action. It does not matter if it’s hunting, sports competition, or an actual emergency – you can go right into the action with the Ruger Precision Rifle. The rifle has a fully adjustable buttock. You can switch between skeleton style and AR-styled buttocks. The barrel is threaded cold hammer forged and made from steel with 5R Rifling. The trigger pull is externally adjustable Ruger Marksman – you can set it on from 2.25 lb to 5 lb. Moreover, the rifle features a hybrid muzzle brake and a free-floating handguard.
The main advantage of this rifle is its extreme adjustability because you can add almost anything to it, from the new optics to night vision devices. You can also add Picatinny rail to this rifle which makes possibilities for improvement almost indefinite. This rifle is offered with 15 different calibers from 6.5 Creedmoor and .338 Lapua to 300 PRC. The new rifle with factory settings scores around 0.5 MOA which is one of the best results on our list.
In general, this rifle is definitely worth attention, despite its price.
More to the point
Furthermore, let’s not forget about self-defense, and with rifles mentioned in this article, you would be able to defend the house of your children who moved a few blocks down the street!
If you are one of those civilians thinking about buying a long-range rifle or just want to know more about them, you have opened the right article. Because here, I will describe the best long-range rifles on the market. I hope this information will be helpful.
How to choose a long-range rifle?
Before we get to the list of rifles, I want to quickly point the most important factors which you have to consider when making such a purchase.
First of all, I want to start with your goals. Because your goals will determine the circumstances in which you will use a rifle and which should be your main consideration before buying one. For example, if you want to go hunting with a long-range firearm, you shall not buy the heavy models because they can weigh well beyond a usual one, and you simply would not be able to hunt with them as long as hunting frequently requires long marches through uneven terrain. As a result, for hunting purposes, you have to find a relatively lightweight long-range rifle. Obviously, such a rifle would not set records on long-range shooting, so here you really need to find a balance. Comes with a mil-dot scope or scope can be bought as an extension.
Now, let’s say that your goals are different, and you’re buying not a hunting rifle but a rifle for precision shooting because you would like to participate in a PRS sport completion. Here you will need a different rifle which would be in between heavy long-range precision rifles like Burret and more lightweight hunting rifles.
Such a rifle has to be precise enough to heat the target at the 1ooo meters distance, but at the same time, it shall be light enough that you can run with it between the obstacles. Usually, such rifles have light chassis yet heavy barrels, which give the necessary balance. Furthermore, such rifles often have an affordable price. A good example of such a rifle is Remington MSR.
Also, when buying a long-range rifle, you must always consider not only the cost of the rifle itself but also the cost of ammo and maintenance because, with some of the models on the market, the cost of ammunition could make you spend a whole fortune during one session at the shooting range.
Moreover, regarding the maintenance, you have to look at the availability of the spare parts in your local gun shop because it is not very pleasant to wait for one part for months or to search for it across the country.
Accuracy and precision
Another important issue that we have to consider before jumping into the list of rifles is understanding accuracy and precision. Firstly, here I have to make it clear that precision and accuracy are not the same. On the contrary, they are very distinct concepts:
Accuracy depends not on the rifle but your shooting skills, while precision can be attributed to the rifle.
So, when choosing a rifle, you should not look for its accuracy but precision.
For a clearer understanding of precision, I would like to elaborate a bit more on this topic. So, precision can be described as a measurement of repeatability of a weapon system under the same conditions. This measurement is usually described in MOA, which is a minute of angle, and for the usual rifle, the MOA index would be about 1, but if you want a really great long-range rifle, you have to look for the MOA index of about 0.5.
However, when figuring out how precise a rifle is, do not look only at the MOA index. It would also be wise to ask people who already own this rifle how precise it is in reality and what can be done to enhance its precision.
The caliber issue
Another key thing to discuss when talking about long-distance rifles is their caliber. The size of the ammo influences all the aspects of a rifle, from the weight and precision to the maintenance cost. And nowadays, there are a lot of different calibers for long-range precision rifles, from good old and light .308 Winchester to the heavy .50BMG and .338 Lapua.
And if you are a newcomer in the world of precision long-range shooting, I would recommend you to go for the most popular calibers such as .308 and 6.5 Creedmoor, just because they are reliable, cheap and, most importantly, you can find them in any ammo store across the country, which is very good for you because during the first months or even years in long-range shooting you will be spending lots of ammo just to get your accuracy right.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
Are long-range rifles precise?
There are a lot of discussions on the internet about the precision of long-range rifles. If I had to answer this question directly, I would definitely say yes. However, the issue is not that simple. A long-range rifle is certainly more precise than a usual hunting rifle. Moreover, the best long-range rifles show really astonishing precision. However, these models are usually quite expensive and used mainly by military or professional sportsmen. Therefore, talking about average long-range rifles, we can say that they can be precise enough for owners who use them for big game hunting or self-defense, but they will not be precise enough to hit a target at 2000 yards.
Are long-range rifles legit?
This question I can easily answer with a simple yes. These rifles are legit and worth a try. Most shooters report a huge difference when shooting from one of those rifles compared to the usual ones. Moreover, except for more convenient long-distance shooting, these rifles can give you an upper hand during actual survival because the ability to hit a dangerous target before it can harm you is extremely crucial and can not be overestimated.
How to clean long-range rifles?
Cleaning even the best long-range rifles is an easy task yet very important because, without proper cleaning, any rifle would not serve you long enough, and most accuracy levels will also vanish. To get it done, you will need a set of instruments and chemicals.
The process itself looks like this:
Start from the unloading of the rifle, and do this carefully because nobody wants a dangerous accident to happen. Afterward, partially take down the rifle, as described in the manual.
During the next step, carefully remove loose particles from action, stock, and barrel. Again, it would be good to clean the barrel with bore cleaner for a better result.
Then, use lubricants where necessary. Typically, it is better to lubricate all the moving parts of the rifle for the best performance. But remember that you should not use lubricants inside the barrel if you expect it to last the longest. Also, be very careful with important details like long-range scopes.
Wipe all the parts of the rifle carefully – remove all the liquid.
After removing the moisture, you can use a gun cloth to polish and protect your weapon.
At the final of the procedure, just reassemble your rifle. Do not forget to carefully inspect all the details during the process to make sure you have not overlooked any issues.
A former USA Army sergeant and a highly educated survivalist and prepper with a degree and interest in Engineering and Electronics, Mike Millerson applies his extensive expertise in survivalism, homesteading, backpacking, hiking and hunting, spreading his deep knowledge about handling emergencies and prepping for them reasonably and effectively.