Long-termwater storage containers and tanks, especially critical as of 2023, are the thing to consider while prepping for a survival situation. Water is essential in everyday life, let alone survival situations. Having a water filter, some barrels in the underground storage, a few plastic bottles of drinking water in your garage will increase your survival chances manifold. Read the article to find out more about long-term water storage.
TOP Best Water Storage Containers and Tanks – How Many Gallon ?
Plastic Water Storage Containers
Plastic has many advantages for long-term water storage. It is cheap, doesn’t weigh much, is easily accessible, and is incredibly hardwearing if made of high-density polyethylene. This is why many people choose plastic over other materials to store water. However, even food-grade plastic has some serious drawbacks.
More and more studies reveal that plastic starts slowly with time, leaking chemicals into the water. It is especially true for scorching areas and if the containers are left under direct sunlight. Keep in mind that electricity often gets cut off during emergencies, so if you live in South Florida, it won’t be easy to store your plastic water containers at the appropriate temperature.
Propper storage and occasional replacement of water can reduce the risk of chemical contamination.
I highly recommend the 5 Gallon Water Storage System by Legacy Premium storage made of high-quality food-grade plastic. 5-gallon water storage containers cannot be enough for you, so consider a 55-gallon water reservoir instead.
Here are some of the most important characteristics of these 5-gallon containers:
They are great for storing water, long-term, ammo, and food storage.
You can easily stuff them up to their maximum capacity.
These water and food storage containers have convenient handles and are easy to carry.
They are very durable and made with high-quality plastic.
If you are building your survival essentials kit, the 30-gallon packs of containers are a good investment. They are not expensive yet can provide enough water for a family of five for around two weeks, or even longer in a water-saving model. Health specialists recommend drinking around 8 cups of water per person per day, which equals about half a gallon.
If you get the pack of six containers, you will also receive several bonuses:
A nice and useful cap jolt to make sure you close the containers properly.
Two spigots permit you to tap into two barrels simultaneously, which can be handy if you are using different jugs for different purposes.
Treatment drops for water purification (with the purchase of six water storage containers, you get enough drops to make precisely 30 gallons clean and drinkable).
Features: Lightweight, durable, often UV-resistant, and available in various sizes.
Benefits: Easy to transport and store, resistant to environmental factors, affordable, and versatile for both short-term and long-term storage.
Drawbacks: Potential leaching of chemicals if not BPA-free, may degrade over time with direct sunlight exposure.
Glass is usually safe to use for water storage; make sure you clean it well and sanitize it before. FDA generally labels all glass as “GRAS,” meaning that it is “Generally Regarded As Safe.” However, it doesn’t mean that you can repurpose any class reservoir for water storage. As with plastic, I suggest that you avoid any container with food or anything else in it before.
The coolest thing about glass is that it is easy to clean and can serve you for a long time. However, on the flip side, it weighs a lot compared to other materials and is easy to break. Here is a lifehack for you – whap your glass container in old magazines or cardboard, and it will make it a bit more breakage-proof. Check out these glass containers to make the best choice.
Features: Transparent, non-reactive, and often comes with airtight seals.
Benefits: Does not impart flavors or leach chemicals into the water, easy to clean, and maintains water purity.
Drawbacks: Heavy, fragile, not suitable for large volume storage, and potential breakage risk.
Stainless Steel Water Storage Barrels and Containers
Water storage containers made of stainless steel? Steel is by far the best material for emergency water storage bottles, but it is also the most expensive one. One 55-gallon water barrel will cost you $150 or more on Amazon. Besides, they weigh quite a lot. While it is an excellent material for water storage, it also requires special care. For example, chlorine often used to make tap water cleaner can lead to erosion of stainless steel water barrels’ protection layer. In the long run, it can make water rusty and unsuitable for drinking because of potential toxicity. Also, it is still important to make sure that your stainless steel water storage containers are food-grade.
Features: Rust-resistant, durable, and often comes with tight-sealing lids.
Benefits: Long lifespan, maintains water temperature, resistant to external damage, and does not leach chemicals.
Drawbacks: Heavier than plastic, can be more expensive, and may dent if dropped.
The 55-gallon water storage containers made of plastic can be a good alternative to the more expensive steel ones. They weigh a lot when filled with water and are not too easy to store, but if you can find room for them, 55-gallon water storage barrels are a great and relatively cheap solution for long-term water storage. Usually, the plastic 55-gallon water storage containers are blue and drum-shaped.
Features: Large capacity, often blue to restrict light, and made of food-grade plastic.
Benefits: Suitable for long-term storage, can store a significant amount of water, and often comes with a siphon pump for easy access.
Drawbacks: Bulky, not easily portable, and requires regular cleaning and rotation of water.
Depending on your bathtub size, you can fit up to 100 gallons of water, perfect for satisfying water storage needs for a while. However, bathtubs are not sterile, and because they are open and can’t be sealed, it is tough to make sure clean water stays clean there. Sure, you can use that water for cooking and sanitary needs, but there is a way to keep that water safe to drink: these water storage containers.
Check out the bathtub water storage container (or BOB): a portable kit that will keep your bathtub storage water drinkable for at least 72 hours. Used by the military during the Korean War, a BOB is not exactly a survival kit, but more of an emergency evacuation option that is not meant to be a long term solution. However, this can be the water storage container you use first before switching to other more long term water barrels.
The kit usually includes a bag that can fit up to 100 gallons of tap water and can be placed in bathtubs, showers, or sinks. Also, in the event of an evacuation, you can empty the bag and pack it up. A water BOB comes with essential items that will make your experience easier. When the bag is full, attach a siphon hand pump to it so that it dispenses the water into jugs or pitchers, making it easy to use your water every day. Both the bag and the hand pump are made of BPA-free, high-quality plastic.
Features: Flexible, fits in bathtubs, and can store up to 100 gallons of water.
Benefits: Quick solution for emergency situations, easy to fill and use, and doesn’t require additional space.
Drawbacks: Only for short-term use, potential puncture risk, and water quality can degrade if not used quickly.
Large Water Storage Containers (Water Tanks)
One of these huge containers is not a space saver pick, but it will dramatically improve your emergency preparedness. They are quite pricey and impossible to move once filled with water, but one of these barrels is the best long term water storage solution. These survival water containers can hold thousands of gallons of water, so if you prepare for an extended emergency, have space and the money, it might be worthwhile.
Features: Massive storage capacity, often made of durable plastic or metal, and equipped with spigots or pumps.
Benefits: Ideal for long-term storage, can support an entire household, and often designed for outdoor placement.
Drawbacks: Expensive, requires space, and can be challenging to clean and maintain.
Your Backyard Swimming Pool as Water Reservoir
Pool water is not meant to be used for drinking, so you should prepare better water storage options. However, if it is terrible and there is no clean water available, the pool can be your last resort. We all, at some point, have ingested it. Swimmers and divers probably ingest gallons of pool water involuntarily, and typically nothing happens. However, keep some things in mind to keep safe and reduce the risk of any stomach problems.
Pools are very susceptible to contamination, especially if the cleaning system is off for a long time (and in case of emergency, it will be because the electricity will likely be cut). So it is best if you boil the water, use a water filtration system or a water purification kit to make pool water drinkable.
Features: Large volume, open storage, and often chlorinated.
Benefits: Can store a significant amount of water and can be used for non-drinking purposes.
Drawbacks: Not suitable for drinking without purification, exposed to environmental contaminants, and requires regular maintenance.
Water Wells – not a Water Storage but Great Water Supply
It is not precisely water storage, but it is even better. You can produce drinking water and not worry about having enough stored water. If you live in a private house with some land around and build a wall on your property, I would highly recommend it. Many countries still rely on wells for their drinking water, and often it is even better quality than tap water. Of course, you need to do some research about the soil and underground water in your area. Still, you will have one less problem with a well during a possible disaster and help people around you have enough drinking water. You can also use an underground water storage cellar to ensure you have enough water in case of an emergency.
Features: Natural underground water source, equipped with pumps, and provides a continuous supply.
Benefits: Sustainable water source, not reliant on external factors, and provides fresh water.
Drawbacks: Initial setup can be expensive, requires regular testing for water quality, and potential risk of drying up or contamination.
Small plastic water bottles are not an excellent option for long-term water storage because the plastic they are made of is usually not BPA-free, so the plastic water bottles will start leaking chemicals into the water in the long run. They are also not as cheap as you might think when you need gallons of water. Small pop bottles are a fine short-term option, but I recommend you think about a bigger water container for the longer term. Besides, plastic water bottles are not a very environment-friendly solution.
Features: Pre-packaged, sealed, and often in PET plastic bottles.
Benefits: Convenient, portable, and has a long shelf life.
Drawbacks: Can be expensive, environmental concerns due to plastic waste, and potential leaching if stored in hot conditions.
Emergency Water Storage for Drinking Water
There is no agreement between scientists and government health officials on how much water a person needs per day and how much water people should store in case of an emergency. You should generally drink between 2 and 3 liters of water per day, between 68 and 100 ounces. While drinking is and should be a priority, we also need water for cooking and sanitary purposes. Usually, it is around one gallon of water per person daily (for everything). Still, it can be cut in emergencies because you can sacrifice bathing for at least a few days.
The government recommends storing water to last you for three days for survival, but survival experts recommend storing water to last you (and your family) at least a week. Before deciding on your long term storage of water, consider the following things:
How many people do you store water for?
How long you want your supplies to last?
Is the climate very hot or moderate where in your area?
Do you have access to a source of freshwater?
How long you’ll need to have water?
The general rule is, you can never store too much water in case of an emergency. It is the most important resource you will need, so stock up on those 55-gallon water containers or other water barrels, water filters, and water purification systems. You never know when you will need them.
Even if you have stocked up on gallons of water for your home emergency water storage, it is still good to have a method to purify or filter it. These are basic elements of survival kits and are also good for long back-country camping trips. So besides full water jugs and water barrels, having a pump water filter and purification pills is essential in a survival situation.
Remember that your water barrels need to be cleaned and sanitized before using them to minimize contamination chances. Here are some details of a home-made sanitizer. Mix 1 teaspoon of unscented liquid household chlorine bleach and one quart of water. Use household bleach that contains 5—6% sodium hypochlorite. Too much sodium hypochlorite can lead to water having a bit too much of the chemical in it.
For water filtering, you can use the Sawyer Mini water filter. It is small and inexpensive, but one of these little devices can filter up to 100,000 gallons of water. It is a nice device for traveling and emergencies, but keep in mind that it is rather slow at filtering water. If you have a big and thirsty family, consider investing in a bigger water filter. Read our article to find out more about water purification techniques.
Stored Water Doesn’t Taste Good
Stored water always tastes a little weird because, with time, it loses oxygen. This doesn’t mean it has gone bad. Shaking a bottle might help a bit, but it is still perfectly safe drinking water. A few things are not good signs, such as rotting, sour, or swampy smell. If your stored water tastes or smells awful, don’t swallow it as there is a good chance it has gone bad.
Rotating Your Water Storage Containers Supply
One trick that can help you keep gallons safe for drinking in case of long term storage. Even if you use sterile containers, the water still has microscopic bacteria that will lead to water spoiling long term. It is not an easy task to do, but you need to rotate water in your gallon water storage barrels at least one time per year. That will increase your emergency preparedness, and you will always have good storage water for a possible disaster.
If you think it is a waste of water, take this into account – you don’t need to throw away all that water that you’ve been storing for all this time. Use it to wash the dishes, shower, or water the plants.
A proper water storage tank is your trump in a survival situation. Face reality: you cannot survive without water for more than 3 days. Hence, a water tank is a must if you plot for long-term survival. Whether you want to have a portable tank or an underground water reservoir, or if you do not bank on collecting rainwater in the conditions of nuclear winter, read our article.
The average person loses about 1 gal a day, and it concerns even those who rest in the shade lose about a liter of liquid. Even breathing expands fluid and its losses through breathing and sweating increase with increasing activity and temperature. Vomiting and diarrhea in diseases further increase fluid loss. To ensure that the water balance does not fall below the critical level, you need to drink around two liters of liquid a day.
All these reasons show that it’s necessary to keep an emergency drinking supply at home. But not all water storage containers are good for it. For example, a plastic bottle begins to release chemicals and poison the water, especially if exposed to sunlight. That’s many peppers have water storage tanks at home. In our review, we will tell you about the best storage tanks and also about the process of keeping potable water, and the reasons to have an emergency water supply on your preppers checklist.
In our review, you’ll learn about the range of different types of water tanks differing not only in volume (to 15 000 gallons) but also in the source of manufacture (steel, plastic), presence of ribs and gallon indicators, weight (light, heavy) position (under or on the ground), its specifications and applications. On our website, all rights reserved. Don’t forget to accept cookies first.
Our website’s editors often quote different sites. Clicking on the orange URL, you’ll learn more about tanks that are interesting to you. Amazon is one of them (here, cookies also should be accepted). This site is very friendly to its visitors, so you must click on “Customer Service” and leave an application to the support team if you have any problem. All applications are considered in no time, and you’ll surely get a response.
Long Term Water Storage and Water Crisis
The world is sliding down the water crisis.
Water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource around the world due to overuse and pollution. As these issues become more acute, the serious tensions that have already started to grow and continue to increase will affect us. Some compare water to oil in importance. But unlike oil, water is essential for survival.
A deep dive into the situation with water on the planet shows that every nation must develop an attitude towards water as an economic good, a human right, and a dwindling resource in the coming decades. A look at the three regions — the United States, the Middle East, and China — reveals several problems.
By 2025, it is estimated that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in areas with depleted water resources: the Middle East, North Africa, and West Asia, according to the world resources Institute. Water scarcity is now recognized as one of the main causes of the war in Syria and ensures more conflicts and increases refugees’ numbers.
That’s why water storage tanks are one of the most important things for survival. Many people go to the sale. On sale, they can find water tanks of different applications and by various industries. Some industries offer only black tanks and only for specific applications. But that’s the reason why a sale is a good way to buy water tanks. Tanks there vary from the cheapest to the most expensive. So, you will surely buy tanks with applications that you want to have on your preppers list.
The Amount of Water to Store in a Tank
On average, a person should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, which would increase the daily water requirement by about half a gallon. This figure does not include the water you would use to prepare and clean the associated implements. With this in mind, the minimum amount of water you should store for personal use is about one gallon per day.
Personal hygiene may be part of the consideration, but it should be put on the back burner and then considered when everything has been resolved in emergencies. Keep only an extra amount of water to wash your hands and face, and that’s it. The only downside to personal hygiene is that you stink of dirty hair and muddy footprints, like those you see in movies when actors leave a devastated area or ruins are gone somewhere.
Generally, it is best to store water that lasts two weeks. Given a minimum volume of one gallon per day, the total amount of water you should store would be approximately fourteen gallons of water per person. Going beyond two weeks is up to you, but most government contingency plans guarantee that essential services should be up and running in a week, two at the most.
Best Emergency Water Storage Tanks for Drinking Water
Water tanks or storage tanks are often included in autonomous water supply systems, and sometimes in centralized ones as backup. The market today offers a wide variety of tanks that can be used for these purposes, differing not only in volume but also in shape, coloring (black, blue, so on), additional fittings and connections, insulation, size of capacities, wall thickness, the source of manufacture (steel, plastic) – all these features should be taken into account when choosing a tank, depending on what place it will occupy in the water supply system.
In a cottage, the storage tanks are included in the autonomous water supply system if the well from which water is taken has an insufficient flow rate and quickly empties. A backup water supply from the storage tanks is also appropriate where power outages often occur. The water becomes inaccessible to the user of the autonomous water supply system due to the pumping equipment’s inability to work. With a centralized water supply, the storage tank is convenient when water is supplied to the house, not around the clock but for several hours a day.
If there are no available water storage intake sources, an autonomous water supply from the water tanks may be the only feasible option.
In the autonomous system, the home water storage tank can be placed in the upper position when the water is piped by gravity or at the bottom – in the basement or the underground location (water piping supplied by a pumping station). These placement options will require different storage tank characteristics. It is also possible to place storage tanks with water on the street – to save space in a cottage (in a house with permanent residence, this water supply option is not acceptable), to organize a summer shower or irrigation. All these options differ in the operating conditions of storage tanks for water, and this should be taken into account when choosing a tank.
Different applications of the tanks allow you to choose the most appropriate for you. Some tanks can be used only for keeping a small amount of water. Other tanks can keep more. Some tanks can be situated only on the ground. Other tanks can’t be.
Hard-Sided Plastic Water Storage Tanks and Stackables
Such water storage tanks are the most widely available on the market. They are cheaper than the same volume of stainless steel products, lighter, and therefore easier to install. At the same time, such tanks are reliable and durable, resistant to aggressive environments, can withstand temperatures from -40 to + 60 ° C (polyethylene water storage tanks) and up to +90 ° C (polypropylene water tanks), do not require painting and maintenance, are easy to clean using cleaning agents. The water in them does not change its properties.Water Bricks
We all know about the big water storage tanks that are really good and necessary in the countryside. But if it is a disaster, it will be essential to have a potable drinking water tank. So now we’ll tell you about Water Bricks. This is not a simple water storage tank. It consists of 16 bricks, each of which can hold 3.5 gallons of water. This water construction is also easy to disassemble, so you have two variants – whether to hold water in different places or keep a large amount of water in one place. This product has lots of positive comments on Amazon.Legacy Premium Stackbarrels
The manufacturer of Legacy Premium Stackbarrels has a large experience in the water tanks’ sphere and deserved hundreds of people’s trust. When you don’t have access to a constant water source, these water tanks will definitely help you. It is also potable drinking water tanks that can make a big water storage system.
There is also a bonus for those who purchase six water containers. In addition to them, you’ll get spigots, a hand wrench, and a water treatment solution absolutely for free.
Light plastic barrels for potable water are made of pure food-grade polyethylene. This material ensures the safety of the chemical composition of water, prevents the reproduction of putrid microbes and bacteria. Polypropylene tanks must be purchased following the direct purpose, so before choosing a container for the country or agricultural needs, you need to decide on the configuration.
All water tanks are classified in different positions. The first of them is from what they are made. More recently, these were steel water barrels with a capacity of 200 liters. They stood on the ground of all cottages’ territories, used them mainly for collecting rain ode, which was used for household needs and watering green spaces.
Steel water tanks finally lost their positions when such water tanks appeared on the market. The fact is that plastic, unlike steel, is not subject to corrosion, the service life of such containers is much longer. And some water tanks do not have a statute of limitations at all. Secondly, such tanks are much cheaper than steel ones.
These are top-rated water storage tanks. Their bottom is smooth, and it ensures the stability of the tanks. These tanks are blue, and their inner surface is white (not black). That’s why these tanks are intended for storing potable water or food. This type of tank is of a horizontal version, so it has planes of the support protrusions. We should immediately recommend you to keep it away from the sun. Plastic under the influence of sunlight heats up, and the polymer elements that make up the plastic begin to show activity. And this affects the quality of the water poured into tanks and its taste properties. Therefore, it is better to keep such essential emergency water barrels in the house.
Drinking Water Bladder Storage Tanks
Water is one of the main resources that we need to live, but hard-sided tanks are a bad way to have water for some people. Soft water tanks can be a good alternative to the “classic.” When folded, it takes up almost no space, but at the right time, it can hold a fairly significant supply of liquid (well, or Vice versa — you can take stock from home, and when it is used up, the container is folded). It is only important to make sure that it does not come into contact with sharp corners and edges and is securely fastened.
Aquatank2 Water Storage Bladder is a universal thing. Many people use such soft tanks for fuel storage only, but the plastic inside is also safe for food, so the tanks are also suitable for transporting potable water. This water bladder will be especially useful for travelers in Central Asia and similar regions where drinking water is strained. But even in our middle lane, the presence of water in the car will help you save time searching for a suitable watering hole.
By the way, there is another, rather unexpected area of use of soft tanks. A protected surface and tightness can be useful when crossing ATVs over water barriers. Can you imagine how buoyant even 50 liters of air is? And if you take three of these tanks?
Such water storage solutions may be of interest to owners of pickups. After all, with an empty body, “trucks” do not behave quite adequately, and when transporting luggage, the ballast will be superfluous. And here everything is simple: if there is no cargo, you pour water into the “water tank,” if there is a cargo, you drain the water.
Hard-Sided Enclosed Plastic Water Storage Tanks and Cisterns
These water storage tanks are perfect for those who have enough free space. The advantage of such storage tanks is that it can hold a gigantic amount of water and be a part of the rain water-collecting system.
This horizontal tank is one of the most popular water tanks of this kind. You can use it for different liquids, but it also has polyethylene resin, and thanks to it, you can use it as a water storage tank for drinking. We don’t want you to waste much money, so after buying this horizontal water container, you can get other items for low prices and construct a good water system for everything, including farm irrigation and so on.
Such storage tanks have larger capacities than Norwesco Horizontal Water Tank, which is why it can’t be held at home. Due to its sizes and resistance to impacts such as rust and other kinds of corrosion, this horizontal water reservoir is a great choice for many survivalists.
This water collection tank for potable water has one of the biggest sizes in this section, and the FDA also approved it. You can easily include this tank in your rainwater collection. Even though its size is impressive, there are usually no problems with placement – the potable water tank can be installed in the yard, in the portable garage, or the shed.
There are two types of water supply systems for a private house: a storage tank with an upper and lower tank. Emergency Water Storage Tank belongs to the second type. But it has an unusual form among the ones that we have already discussed. This emergency water storage tank won’t take much space on the ground, but you should have appropriate horizontal dimensions.
This vertical storage tank for potable water is of the biggest size in this section, and the price of it the highest of all. But it worth to be bought because it is FDA approved and has a polyethylene resin. The users will also notice that it prevents algae growth. You should also have enough free space because its dimensions are pretty big.
Connecting a Rainwater Collection System
The use of precipitation will provide significant savings in water extracted from a well. It will also help reduce power consumption, as it allows you to turn on the pumping equipment less often. However, you do not know how to collect a free “gift” of nature for further use? Along with solar panels and homemade windmills, survivalists create universal rainwater collection systems that produce a positive result on dry days or during periods when water runs out in the well.
Due to rainwater use, the depreciation of pumping and cleaning equipment is reduced, and the personal budget is saved. The system is so simple that you can always assemble it yourself in the absence of a fully finished factory model. The main purpose of a catchment system is to collect the maximum amount of rainwater and move it to a storage tank. Next, the liquid is used for various household needs: washing, washing, cleaning, watering. No additional cleaning is necessary for watering, but the water must be filtered out for showering or washing dishes. For this purpose, several filters are embedded in the water supply wiring, and both coarse and fine cleaning is required.
Excellent practical experience exists in Germany, Holland, Belgium, and other European countries. Considering that it is simply impractical to spend tap water on flushing in the toilet tank, Europeans have many schemes for using absolutely free but no less useful natural water. A backup water tank can help out when there is a shortage of water from the main source and when force majeure occurs. If you decide to clean the well, then the volume tank will allow you to wash, wash, and water the dacha crops. Instead of one container, you can install several, so you don’t have to save money.
The rainwater collection organization for the house installation of equipment for collecting rainwater does not require permits or compliance with any strict standards. At its core, this is a variant of the usual drainage system, but more rational. To make water storage and transportation more efficient, you need to consider some nuances – the condition of the roof, the types of storage tanks, and the ability to pump water into the house quickly.
If you have a survival tarp, awning, or piece of film, you can use them to collect water. We take four sticks, stick them in the ground, tie the tent’s ends, or film to the sticks. On the one hand, you need to make the sticks a little closer to each other so that the tent turns out to be a groove through which water will flow. This way, you will increase the area where rainwater is collected.
The water in the tank must not stagnate. Otherwise, it will deteriorate and be unusable. The water in the tank should be circulated as often as possible. When leaving the cottage for the winter, do not leave the container filled. The water will freeze, and under pressure, the reservoir will likely burst. If the water purification supplies were stored in the attic, water would flood the room when thawing. The container needs periodic cleaning. A tank heater can also be a way out. Before buying a storage tank, calculate how much water your family uses per day. The resulting figure will be the approximate volume of the tank that will suit you.
Long Term Water Storage Containers for Drinking Water
It may seem that preparing an emergency water supply container is an uncomplicated and straightforward matter.
According to the latest poll conducted in the US, 53% of people have long-term food storage for less than 3 days.
Water storage is the most critical emergency supply, especially in a desert survival situation, because humans can only go without water for a few days, much less than without food. So you must learn about the right way to store. Many people think about building a bunker or getting a gas mask when it comes to survival skills. However, long term water storage is unduly ignored. Meanwhile, less than half of the US households have enough non-perishable nutrition and water to last three days.
Not stocking up on drinking water storage containers is very irresponsible. We are so used that to have good quality tap water, and it doesn’t even occur that one day it might not be available anymore. Don’t repeat the mistake of more than half of Americans and think through your water storage in the case of TEOTWAWKI or any other severe emergency. The first two things to be cut first in a disaster (natural or any other sort) are electricity and city water. Even though it is uncomfortable, human beings can survive without the former, but it won’t last long without the latter. This makes water by far the most crucial survival resource. I highly recommend you start stocking some water in your home because buying bottled water will cost you a fortune in case of emergency and might not even be available immediately. You should also consider buying some self-defense weapons with a substantial amount of ammunition in your storage to ensure your security in any situation.
While it might not seem complicated, storing water in the right way is quite tricky. There are common mistakes that often lead to the water storage supply going bad. It can even get toxic if not kept correctly. The good news is, though, that these errors are elementary to avoid.
Just a heads up, collecting rainwater and storing it in old beer kegs and buckets is not a good idea as it won’t be clean and suitable for drinking when you actually need it – you need water filtration system in place in order to make it drinkable.
Here are some useful tips for you to start planning your emergency water storage with containers and tanks if there is a widespread disaster or an emergency.
Drinking Water Storage Containers and Tanks – Avoid Disaster
Never store water in a container where you kept other stuff before, as, in the long run, it can lead to water contamination even if you thoroughly washed the containers. And it’s not just chemicals and oils that make the reservoirs unusable. You can’t re-purpose milk jugs or soda bottles, beer kegs, or anything else for drinking water storage. It is practically impossible to get rid of all bacteria and sugars left on a container’s walls. Even a tiny amount of contaminants can make your water go bad in the long run. Use food storage facilities for the purpose.
Carboard is not suitable for long-term water storage. It may sound obvious to you, but it has happened before. Cardboard containers may last a couple of days, but it will fail if you plan to store water long-term.
Metal water storage containers are not good for storing water unless it’s stainless steel. Any other metals will make your water rusty very fast, and such water is not suitable for drinking and gross.
Don’t store your water in containers that cannot be sealed. Except for very peculiar cases, open water is not a good option because it makes contamination – whether it is bird poop, leaves, insects, or anything else that can fall into the water – much easier
Never store water in any reservoir that can potentially get contaminated. If you think your water container might become compromised at some point, find a different option.
Avoid heat and direct sunlight when storing water. Try to keep it in a cool and shaded place. Your basement, a windowless pantry, or a temperature-controlled garage is a good option. Ultraviolet rays are powerful and cause plastic, and in some cases, even glass, to leak chemicals.
Collect water from the well. Use a emergency deep well hand pump to get needed amount of water and don’t forget to purify it.
Emergency Preparedness Tip – Storing Drinking Water Long Term
Let’s take a look at the most typical misbeliefs about water storage.
First and foremost, if the water is clear, it is not necessarily safe to drink.
Chemicals and parasites that contaminate water usually don’t have any color.
Secondly, even though water cannot really expire, you can’t store it forever in the same repository, even if you think the storage conditions are absolutely perfect.
Thirdly, it does get pretty serious, and if you do things wrong, you can die. In any case, when there is a widespread disaster, the last thing you need is to get poisoning caused by chemicals or parasites in your water.
So before going into detail about how to properly store water, I will share some common mistakes that you should avoid by all means.
Besides keeping yourself in good health condition (using antibiotics, for instance), never use anything but a proper water storage container for stockpiling water. This is very important, and I can’t emphasize it enough: only use quality food-grade containers! Sure, Walmart and Home Depot have this bright orange, cool inexpensive buckets. You can also get cheap lids for them and all. But the thing is, they are not meant for water storage! There are specific barrels and containers made for that purpose, and water storage is not something you should save money on.
There are a few ways to tell whether the water storage container is made of food-grade plastic or not.
1. Have you noticed that plastic containers have these triangular figures with numbers at the bottom? Numbers 1, 2, 4, and 7 mean that this plastic is good for food-grade containers.
2. Another important piece of information you can read at the bottom is a mark showing whether the container can be safely frozen or kept in a storeroom. When you buy a water barrel or any other type of plastic container, it usually says something like “Freezer, Refrigerator, Pantry Safe.” This phrase means that it is fine to store food and water there.
How To Store Water in Containers or Barrels for Long Run Properly?
There are just a few simple rules to follow that will make your long term water storage right and increase your emergency preparedness. The most important part is how to choose a water storage container.
As I mentioned above, it is important to make sure that water storage is safe. But even within that category, there are hundreds of options. So here are some things to consider.
How big your storage space is.
How much money you can spare.
Several people (family, friends, and neighbors) will rely on this water supply.
How long you want the supply to last.
Your location and proximity to any natural water source.
Below you will find various water container options to choose from.
Best Water Storage Containers Summary
Water storage tanks are one of the most important survival things that survivalists should have. People shouldn’t believe that municipal water supplies keep working without problems. That’s why some people make their own water systems with water cisterns with their own hands. People should understand what the applications and specifications of the water tank must be. Either it should hold more than 1. 000 gallons of water, or it should be light. But remember that tanks shouldn’t be black. The black will make the water inside the tanks’ heat.
Our website’s editors often refer to different sites. Clicking on the orange URL, you’ll learn more about tanks that are interesting to you. Amazon is one of them (here, cookies also should be accepted). This site is very friendly to its visitors, so you must click on “Customer Service” and leave an application to the support team if you have any problem. All applications are considered in no time, and you’ll surely get a response. A user can also leave a review on this website.
Our Research and Evaluation Process
To ensure that our readers receive the most accurate and reliable information, we’ve undertaken a comprehensive research and evaluation process for each water storage solution mentioned in this article. Here’s a glimpse into our methodology:
Market Analysis: We began by surveying the current market to identify the most popular and widely-used water storage containers. This helped us narrow down a list of products that are trusted by consumers.
Expert Consultations: We consulted with industry experts, including manufacturers and emergency preparedness professionals, to gain insights into the technical aspects and best practices related to water storage.
User Reviews: Real user feedback is invaluable. We scoured online forums, product review sections, and reached out to some users directly to understand the pros and cons they experienced with their water storage containers.
Hands-on Testing: Wherever possible, we procured samples of these containers to test them in real-world conditions. This involved checking for durability, ease of use, and any potential issues that might not be evident from product descriptions alone.
Safety and Quality Checks: We ensured that all containers recommended are made of food-grade materials and are safe for water storage. We also looked into any certifications or endorsements they might have received from recognized bodies.
Continuous Updates: The world of water storage is ever-evolving. We commit to regularly updating this article as new products emerge and older ones get updated.
By following this rigorous process, we aim to provide our readers with a well-rounded view of each product, helping you make an informed decision tailored to your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
1. How long can water be stored before it goes bad?
Depending on your gallon water storage barrels and an overall way to store water, it can be kept in a sealed and sterile container for up to half a year. Then, you would need to rotate water every six months. However, if you are storing water in a bathtub or a container that is not perfectly clean, it will last less. Follow the tips we shared in this article for the best water storage containers and techniques of long term water storage.
2. Can water be stored indefinitely?
Unfortunately, storing water indefinitely is impossible. The only way to have an (almost) indefinite supply of water is to build a well. But if stored in water barrels, it should be rotated at least every six months.
3. What is the safest container to store water in?
Stainless steel, glass, and plastic containers are generally safe to store water. Make sure you don’t repurpose your barrels and only use them for water storage. Otherwise, even if you have cleaned them with a chlorine bleach solution, there is still a risk of contamination. Make sure a container or containers you buy say “food-grade” on them. You can also use bottled water, but it is a more expensive and less environmentally friendly option.
4. How long can you store water in 5-gallon jugs?
If you have only used the 5-gallon jugs for water storage and have been properly sealed, you can keep the water in them for about six months. Then you will have to change the water. Ensure that your 5-gallon water barrels didn’t have food, oils, or chemicals in them before.
5. How much bleach to purify water 55 gallons?
Bleach is not meant for water purification. If you are worried about your water (and you should be), look at water filters and purification solutions such as iodine tablets.
6. How much is a water tank?
Water tank prices differ. Firstly, you need to decide what water tank you want. It depends on their color (beige, black, blue), fittings, shapes, ribs, gallon indicators, and whether particular tanks have fire suppression, sight gauges. On Amazon, you can search your one from the variety of water storage tanks that are here. You can easily buy online any item you want on this website, giving your address, email, and other necessary information. After adding your purchase to your shopping cart and leaving a request (an application), you can calmly wait for the call or the email letter (because you are already on the mailing list). Of course, if you want to get a water tank for a low price, you can wait for the sale.
7. What are the water tanks used for?
Water storage tanks are used for keeping potable water for a long time. Before buying it, you should carefully study the description of the item, for example, whether it has ladders, and is suitable for chemical storage too, from what source is used (steel, plastic), what colors it has (black, blue, white), search in your browser for the most suitable tanks for you.
8. How to make water tanks?
You can find different ways to make water storage tanks on our website, but you should accept cookies before it. After finding a particular scheme, you should go to stores to buy different water tank parts. For example, FDA approved resin (for preventing bacteria penetration), water pumps, water cisterns.
9. What is an overhead tank?
Overhead water storage tanks are those that are to be placed not in the ground but on it. Their advantages are:
You can easily fix their damages.
They have UV inhibitors.
You can find thousands of them differed in coloring (black, blue, etc.). Do not forget to accept cookies there.
On sale, you can find a variety of overhead tanks for a good price.
Also good for chemical storage
On our website, after accepting cookies, you’ll learn about the range of different overhead tanks that carry NSF approval.
10. How are underground water storage tanks called?
Underground water tanks are often called in-ground. They are perfect for their security features (guests will find it only after a careful search), and in winter, the water won’t freeze in it. My friend uses one such water tank, and he is glad.
A former USA Army sergeant and a highly educated survivalist and prepper with a degree and interest in Engineering and Electronics, Mike Millerson applies his extensive expertise in survivalism, homesteading, backpacking, hiking and hunting, spreading his deep knowledge about handling emergencies and prepping for them reasonably and effectively.