In 2021, prepping has become a bandwagon. With climate change and all the threats to fragile world peace you never know what can happen. The life-saving knowledge about gear, tools, and life-hacks has become a must-have. Waiting for disaster to occur, every prepper is carefully packing up their bug-out bag, shopping for gear, and stocking up their water supplies. In this article, you will learn all about survival skills and find out recipes to diversify your survival menu.
What images come to your mind when you hear about prepping? A crazy hermit prepper who lives in a bunker and does not communicate with anyone. Yes, it also happens. But it is not what prepping is. In general, prepping is the process of preparing yourself, your reserves, skills for the unknown. By making active preparations now, you can ensure your safety in case of any catastrophic disaster.
None of us know exactly what the future holds. We can guess, we can expect, but we cannot be sure. The future depends on too many factors, opinions, and actions. The prepared one will feel more confident. By acquiring some core skills in just a few days of prepping you can make a great deal of safety for yourself and any other family member.
You need to learn basic skills of self-defense, making an emergency food stockpile, storing water and medical supplies, and protecting the surrounding area, in order to survive in cases when emergency services would not come quickly or would not be able to help you at all.
A prepared person is much more likely to succeed in staying alive and healthy if any possible catastrophic disaster happens, that is for sure. Learn how to prep simply, but effectively, and be sure of your survival skills anytime.
What Prepping Is
Popular culture is full of vivid illustrations of situations when normal life is disturbed by a natural disaster, infrastructure failure, or any other emergency situation. Moreover, the world has already experienced such things as the crisis of the Great Depression and nuclear fallout, so modern people should be prepared for any type of disaster.
We never know what might happen to us in the nearest future. The world changes rapidly, so we must be ready to live in any circumstances that might appear. That is where your prepping skills can be applied.
Prepping is the preparation for unexpected emergency situations and other catastrophic events. It consists of creating stocks with such life-important items, as:
- food
- water
- first-aid kit
- personal hygiene matters
- warm clothes, and many other things that are important for survival.
A good prepper is also one who has a lot of skills that can help him or her to survive in any condition. Prepping does not specifically mean creating a bunker and hiding with all of your supplies in it. You can safely live at your home and be provided with all the necessary things, in case of something dangerous happening outside.
Although modern conveniences might protect you from some types of unfortunate situations, you should not trust your life and survival to them completely. Learning prepping basics is not too hard, that is why any average person with no special skills can do it. It is a great idea to start the prepping now, but firstly, you need to be acquainted with the main idea and principles of it.
There are two components to the prepping concept:
- thoughts about the future event that might cause you to be in an emergency situation;
- actions that can be taken now to provide you with safety during any emergency.
Both of them are very important for making the prepping correctly, so let us consider them in full detail.
Prepper Actions
Being ready to perform certain actions is what prepping is all about. We put in the effort and take action, no matter how hard it might look. This is exactly what can save us during the hard times. It does not matter if you do not have many survival skills, you can always start from the beginning, and grow your knowledge about prepping. Willing to learn something that can help you save your life and then applying it to practice, if needed, is the most important part.
To be ready for any type of disaster or emergency, you should know about three subtypes of prepping actions:
- Replenishment of stocks;
- Surviving;
- Self-reliance.
By mastering each action, you would be able to provide safety for you, your family members, or any other people with whom you found yourself in a difficult situation. Even if those people might be lost and scared of the situation, you would be the one prepared and able to help them.
Being sure of what exactly you need to do and following the plan can help you out during hard times that might come unexpectedly. If you prepare in advance, you will have much fewer chances to start panicking and disturbing yourself when something unfortunate happens.
Disaster Stockpiling
People need stocks to have the necessary resources when they are not freely available. For instance, if stores stop working for any reason (during a lockdown, a war, a natural disaster), or if you do not have any possibility to go to a grocery store as it might be too dangerous. When you start prepping beforehand, those problems can be easily avoided.
First of all, preppers store food and water in tanks. Also, do not forget about medical supplies and ammunition.
Your food supply should mostly consist of canned foods, dehydrated foods, and other types of products that do not require special food storage conditions. Water can be stored in big jugs, and if it is properly closed, it can last you for drinking purposes for years.
Each family should have at least a small supply of shelf-stable food. Anything can happen, anytime. A human body is able to survive without food for three weeks, however, it is not recommended to not eat for such a long time. Therefore, for the beginning, having at least three days’ supply of food and water at your home is a basic necessity.
Long-Term Food Supply
Of course, it is better to take proper care of stockpiling food and provide a long-term food supply. You can think of an extended supply for several months or even years. This will come in handy in case of extreme events that might continue for a long time.
Even if the disaster might come in several years, it is absolutely normal to start prepping food now. One might raise an objection and say that the food will go bad in a couple of weeks. However, if you package it properly, you would be able to use it even in years to come.
We recommend purchasing some Mylar bags and oxygen absorber packets. They allow you to store dry food (such as groats, legumes, or pasta, for example). You fill in the bags with produce and the oxygen absorber, which should be proportionate to the size of the bag. Then you seal the opened side of the bag with an iron you use for clothes or even a hair-curling one.
In a couple of days, the vacuum will be created in the packet, and your food storage will be full of long-lasting products. If you use this method, make sure to pack enough food, and store it somewhere with no humidity or high temperature.
Storing water is as crucial as having supplies of food. It might be even more important, as a human body can survive less without water than without any food: it takes three days without drinking water for a human to die.
To have a long-term supply of beverages, store bottled water in the same place as your sealed food. Dry and cool places can make your unopened bottled water last for many years, as its shelf life is not limited in any way.
Protecting Your Stockpiling
Be sure to protect your stocks not only from internal spoilage but also from external hazards. While you might want to share your own food when there is enough of it, in case of having almost no food left, it is common sense to save it for yourself.
In emergency situations that involve a large amount of population, people realize that every man for himself and all the methods are good for surviving, even the illegal ones. So, it is better to provide good protection for your supplies.
Make sure to increase the safety of your property and supplies by:
- Protecting and strengthening your home;
- Hiding your gun storage;
- Checking for survival rifles and guns.
Survival Knowledge
Knowing at least some rules of how to survive in different situations is an important part of your prepping. Many preppers grow much more in their self-reliance, once they acquire the main skills of survival.
The survival knowledge part of the prepping tasks includes getting basic survival skills:
- Ability to use a knife for survival;
- Ability to find food in the wild;
- Setting traps and hunting;
- Desert survival skills;
- Cold weather survival;
- Orientation on the ground;
- Constructing safe shelters.
This is not the full list of skills you must know. The skills you need depend on the environment you live in, your predispositions, and much more. In any case, the more such skills you have, the better your ability to survive in an emergency.
1 . Ability to use a knife for survival
A knife is a very useful item, as it can help you to protect yourself, hunt, or remove obstacles. Knowing how to manage a knife properly can save your life in many ways.
For example, with the help of a knife, you can start a fire even if all the wood is wet. Find a stick that is not too wet and start cutting off long and thin pieces until you reach the dry part of the stick. Once you have done this, you would be able to make a fire.
To sharpen a knife, you can use a wet rock with a smooth surface that is somewhat similar to the regular sharpener. Make around 35 strokes and check if the blade is sharp enough. If so, polish the knife by rubbing it on some dense material.
2. Ability to find food in the wild
The situation might turn out in a way that you have no food savings prepared at all, or your supply has already been used. That is when your skills of hunting, fishing, and picking might come in handy.
It is important to get some knowledge about the plants in your area, as well. Sometimes, they are the easiest source of food to get, and you would be surprised by how many plants are actually edible. To make the process of collecting easier and safer, you can purchase a book guide with all the plants that grow in your area and that can be eaten.
3. Setting traps and hunting
By sharpening a long and strong enough stick, you can catch some fish. However, be aware that you might waste a lot of energy while trying to get your food. It is better if you have some thread and an item that can be turned into a hook. This fishing method might turn out to be more successful and simple.
There is also an option of setting traps for animals. While you might not be able to catch something too big, an animal or two that can be used to cook food are not too hard to get.
4. Desert survival skills
There are many rules you need to follow while trying to survive in a desert. Drinking water is an important one, however, you must also not forget about temperature changes and providing shelter from the sandstorms.
Do not forget to rest regularly, as it is easy to get tired and fall asleep or lose consciousness in such severe weather conditions. It is better if you rest in a safe shelter, rather than drop in the middle of the desert with possible danger awaiting all around. Moreover, all of the skills discussed before are applicable to surviving in deserts as well, so make sure to master them.
5. Cold weather survival
The cold weather is very dangerous for the human body. To prevent frostbite and other health problems, make sure to know how to wear proper clothes and make multiple layers of them. If you do not have such a level of preparation and the clothes you wear are barely warming, stuff the piece of clothing you have with leaves, grass, or any other thing that can help you to create insulation. Also, make sure to keep your clothes dry, as with wet ones you will get cold much faster.
To dry your clothes and to keep yourself warm, it is important to know how to make a fire. Learn several techniques of how to start a fire if you have no matches, and remember to choose the wood that is dry. Start with setting smaller pieces on fire, and then after you make sure that it is not wet and burns properly, move on to bigger logs or sticks.
6. Orientation on the ground
If you are lost or just simply want to know the area around you, it is better to learn the orientation methods. The most standard ones are a compass and a map. However, if you do not have them among your other supplies, there are a lot of ways to orient by using natural objects.
For instance, you can find the biggest hill or a tall tree and climb it in order to see the area in a better way. Even such a simple step can make the picture of the terrain more clear and easier to navigate around.
You can also look at the sun and determine at least approximately whether you are on the North, South, West, or East. The sun moves from east to west, and it can give you some directions on where to move if you know your final destination.
There is an option of finding a water source as well. When looking for some signs of human accommodations, find a river and follow its direction until you come across some locality, where help can be received
7. Constructing safe shelters
If you are lost and your walk to the forest suddenly turned into a camping trip, it is better to provide a good shelter. Making a hut out of branches can prevent you and your supplies from bad weather, animal attacks, and even frostbite.
There are multiple techniques of building a shelter, and they are suitable for different environments. You can construct:
- a lean-to structure
- a round lodge or wigwam
- an igloo
- a snow cave
- a tarp shelter
Remember to place your hut in a high and dry place, so that no water can wash away your shelter.
Self-Sustaining Knowledge
No matter how many stocks you make, sooner or later, they will run out. You can prepare water and food for a month, but you will have to live with supplies for 3 months. Or worse. Nobody knows. Stocks can be stolen, or they can spoil. Unfortunately, even with the most careful preparation, force majeure is possible.
What to do? You need to get self-dependence skills. Using them, you can replenish your stocks.
1 – Water
You might store water in big amounts and be sure that it will last you for a long time, but what is also important, is to know how to find natural water sources.
How can you replenish water supplies? There are several ways:
- drilling water wells;
- living near a natural water source;
- rainwater harvesting.
Our favorite and not difficult way is rainwater harvesting. It can be easily set up with tiny action and money spent. To make the water drinkable, you can construct a water filter out of three pieces of cloth and grass, charcoal, and sand. When put through all these natural filtres, the water becomes more or less clean.
Another method of filtration might be added to your other gear for survival: there are some small portable water filters that kill almost all bacteria in your water. You can even try purifying water with simple household bleach if you have one nearby.
When using natural reservoirs as your source of water, try to choose non-stagnant and flowing water. This way you would be sure that no diseases or bacteria are in your beverage.
2 – Food
As we already mentioned, there are several ways that can help you to replenish your food supplies. By acquiring at least one skill of food gathering, you can stay well-fed for a long time.
If you live near a forest or some other environment where while animals can be met, you can acquire some hunting skills. Even with a properly sharpened stick, you can catch some small animal whose meat would be able to feed you for some time. With the same tool, you can go fishing, if the water source is nearby.
If your attempts at haunting were unsuccessful, you can try picking plants, berries, fruits, and vegetables. While choosing an edible fruit or vegetable might be a simple task, recognizing what plant can be eaten is not so easy sometimes. That is why it is better to at least look through the pictures of plants in your area that are appropriate for eating. Memorize them and use your knowledge, when needed.
We also advise you to learn how to grow plants from seeds. You can even do this on your window sill. Learn to grow fresh vegetables for your table and have an advantageous hobby, that can provide you with an ever-lasting source of food. It requires less investment than raising livestock and does not require great skills like hunting.
3 – Energy
For survival, it is best not to rely on electricity. Buy food and other supplies that do not require storage in the refrigerator or freezer (also see underground food storage). It is not the best idea to rely on a cell phone: it is better to have a spare means of communication, such as wireless communication, for example.
But we still live in the modern world, so you can think about generating power from alternative energy sources. Moreover, our technologies allow it. It is possible to learn to live off the grid. If you started prepping for such conditions early, you would be able to survive for a long time on your personal source of energy.
4 – Arrows
Guns require ammo that tends to run out. Plus, it is not always possible to use a knife effectively. Our option is arrows. You can make arrows from natural materials anywhere. They require a small number of materials, and they are easy to create even for those who had never dealt with a weapon before.
If you want to have every chance of survival in the post-apocalypse, then acquire survival skills. Do not limit yourself to one skill, experiment and improve.
Prepper Events
People always prepare for something. For a wedding, for a retirement, a meeting, a vacation by the sea, and so on. We need preparation for almost any event. But these are all ordinary circumstances while prepping means something different: preparing for disasters.
Who knows what awaits us tomorrow? You might receive a flood warning and be completely cut off from all the resources outside of your home. Or maybe the next Great Depression will come, and you would have to survive off of your stocks with no money.
Any survival in the post-collapse environment requires at least some level of preparation, so those who started prepping early easily endure difficult times.
Prepping Disasters
Disasters are not only TEOTWAWKI and doomsday. You can think less globally. You can start prepping for more local situations—natural disasters, short-term power outages or water supply failure, and so on. Having at least a first aid kit and some food supply is important even for those small emergencies.
Every person who takes care of themselves and their family is obliged to prep. Do not neglect the basic rules of prepping: you can store water and canned food, and provide your everyday carry with all the survival necessities in a very short period of time.
If you still believe that you are prepped enough as it is (with no special skills and items), we suggest taking a look at terrifying statistics about the American population’s level of preparedness for big emergency situations.
Below is a summary of some of the striking findings from our 2012 poll of U.S. adults:
- 44 percent do not have first-aid kits
- 48 percent lack emergency supplies
- 53 percent do not have a minimum three-day supply of nonperishable food and water at home
- 55 percent believe local authorities will come to their rescue if disaster strikes
- 52 percent have not designated a family meeting place if they are separated during an emergency
- 42 percent do not know the phone numbers of all of their immediate family members
- 21 percent do not know if their workplace has an emergency preparedness plan
- 37 percent do not have a list of the drugs they are taking
- 52 percent do not have copies of health insurance documents
More than half of US residents do not even have a three-day supply of food and water. What will they do even with the shortest lockdown?
To avoid the same mistakes as all of those people, it is better to start prepping beforehand. Make sure you know all the addresses and phone numbers of your close family. Keep copies of your personal documents, and write down other important stuff that must be known by others, such as the list of medications taken. The post-collapse environment is chaotic and frightening by itself, and the only thing you can do to be prepared is to be sure of these little things that might be very useful later.
In addition to the zombie apocalypse and the end of the world, you can think of dozens of situations when you need emergency preparedness. Floods, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes. Besides natural disasters, riots can happen, power plant accidents, you can lose your job eventually. And what then? Die of hunger?
We must provide ourselves with prepping basics, even if it only includes having copies of documents and a list of drugs you have in the everyday carry-on. Everybody should have at least a small food stockpile and water storage at their home.
Yes, we live in a civilized and the most developed society, so the probability of something threatening happening might seem very small from first sight.
But let’s take a look at the following events:
They all happened unexpectedly. The majority of people were not prepared for such events to happen, and all of the panic and chaos were mostly caused by this exact reason. We cannot be sure about what will happen tomorrow or the next year, so it is better to be over-prepped rather than under-prepped. All we know about the world is that it is very fragile. Any deviation from the plan and the consequences can affect everyone.
You do not have to go far for an example. Who would have thought that the COVID-19 lockdown would drag on for so long? This is a call for all of us. We have forgotten, sitting in our luxurious apartments or houses, stuffed with electronics and with large grocery stores around the corner, that the world is a fickle and fragile place, where sooner or later very bad things hit the fan.
Fragile Peace
Finally, yes, there are even more dire dangers like the EMP attacks, Nuclear Attacks, and, oh my God, even an asteroid fall is quite possible. There are so many threats to our lives, and while some of them are caused by people, the other ones are completely natural. The former can be predicted at least somehow, but the latter is in in the majority of cases comes abruptly and unexpectedly.
Our world has completely changed since the invention of the nuclear bomb. On the one hand, we got world peace, but on the other — constant threat hanging above all the countries. If a nuclear war starts, we will all destroy each other, it will affect all corners of the earth.
Albert Einstein also said that sticks and stones would be used in World War IV. Do you know why? Because the nuclear bombs which are likely to be used in World War III are capable of destroying our whole society. There would be another completely empty world, which will start its evolution from the beginning. We will go back to the stone age and lose all our technology, comfort, and experience.
That is why our fragile world peace must be very protected and untouched. We would lose everything in the blink of an eye, and this must not be allowed.
Probability Theory Knowledge
Still not sure that something terrible can happen to our precious world? Let’s turn to math.
The probability that an extra terrible event will happen in a particular year of your life is minimal. But this concerns only one event. To get a result close to reality, you need to add up all possible situations.
Even if we keep in mind only 10 such disasters and the slightest percentage of probability, this is what we get: 10 x 0.01% = 0.1%
One event has 1 chance in 10,000, and 10 events already had 1 chance in 1000. Recall that there are far from 10 possible catastrophes. Try to remember every major event or catastrophe that happened in the world in a year, and you will ensure that the numbers do not lie.
And that is only for one year of life. What are the chances that a disaster will happen in your long and happy life? Let’s answer without numbers — they are very high. There is no doubt that something will certainly happen, something that will require emergency actions from you.
This is the answer to the question: “Is it worth starting prepping right now, or is it better to wait for something?” There is no need to wait. Next week, next month or next year might be too late.
What Prepping Is Not
Prepping May Be Not Expensive
There is a big variety of items that you need for prepping on the market. They differ in prices, quality, and the range of situations they can be applied in.
Of course, fancy survival gear can be worth a fortune. But in our articles, we always try to advise and offer budget alternatives that perform their functions as well as the pricier products. You do not need to spend all of your money from your savings account to be sure that your prepping material is good enough to help you to survive.
Remember, that many important skills that will help you to be safe do not even require any payments to learn. With this absolutely free knowledge, you can ensure the security of yourself and of people around you.
If you want to limit your budget for prepping, check out the article on 17 prepping steps you can take for under $ 100’s.
In any prepping category, you can find budget options:
- Rainwater harvesting systems do not require you to invest a fortune;
- Own backyard garden will be even cheaper than purchased products;
- Rice is generally one of the coolest survival foods; it is very nutritious, and its calorie-to-price ratio is amazing, and it has a long shelf life.
Making canned food out of fruits and vegetables, making pemmican out of different types of meat and even berries for dessert, learning how to get food in natural conditions — all of this will help you to save money, while still providing with good and long-lasting substantial products.
There are plenty of ways by which safe, enduring, and cheap prepping items can be made. You can buy stuff at stores or even make some DIY projects that will save you money. If you do everything in advance and not in a hurry, the action of prepping will cost much less.
Prepping Is Not Overkill
People are unique creatures. We have an ability that has played a large role in our evolutionary survival: we know how to plan. That is why we should use this gift at its full potential without thinking that it is too much or unnecessary at the moment.
Only often our fear, laziness, and prejudice can prevent planning. We tend to put things off for later. Sometimes we are afraid of what other people would think about such extra preparedness. But the truth is, there is nothing wrong with feeling safe, secure, and ready for any emergency situation.
Just think about it, what is crazier: be prepared for a 10-day event or to run to the store trying to grab some food supply? The last situation might occur when you do not prep, and the consequences of it might not be very good. Imagine running around the store, surrounded by other panicking people, trying to remember all the necessary things you need to buy. There would be very little use out of such a stocking method.
Until emergencies occur, most of us do not think about how much water or food we need to survive at least two weeks. It is better to think about such things in advance, rather than try to figure them out when something has already happened. You can lose so much precious time in attempts of acquiring first-need items or, in principle, it might be even too late to do so. Usually, emergencies do not announce their arrival. You need to get ready in advance.
How much less would we hear in the news that people are suffering if everyone were better prepared? Getting prepped is not being paranoid. Getting prepped is thinking about your future, safety, and peaceful life.
Prepping Knowledge Is Neither Easy Nor Fast
If we are talking about drawing up stocks for 3 days or even 10 days, then yes, it is not very difficult and does not require much special investment and time from you. If you approach the process with more involvement, then there will be no end to it. It takes time, money, and effort.
As your prepping process will go on, you will find more things to take care of, to learn, to purchase, or to make something yourself. It is a constant improvement of your survival plan, your life depends on all of those things. That is why the investment of your financial and time resources in prepping is absolutely justified.
If your goal is completely self-sustaining, gaining survival skills and supplies for a long time, then this can be an ongoing process. You can always do more. Preppers can improve their skills throughout their whole lives, so the more prepared you are, the better.
To Sum Up: Is It Worth It?
Prepping is crucial if you want to survive in extreme conditions of any emergency situation that might happen. You must acquire a lot of different skills and learn many practices to be able to get through everything that might happen to the world. Prepping is hard work that will provide you with safety in the future.
Each person must be prepared to live without outside help for at least a week (a lot of preppers would say 1 month). While having a stock of food and water supplies might seem like common sense to many people, there are still many others who think that such things are absolutely unnecessary and even paranoid. However, there is nothing insane in being ready to survive.
If the question arises about longer-term consequences and the doomsday world, then everyone must answer this question independently. Everyone has their own understanding of what means can be used to survive. Some people highly value moral principles and legal rules even in extreme situations. Others completely isolate themselves from the outside world and any suggested help in fear of being deceived or even murdered. There are some people who think living off of others is totally fine, and they would use the advantage of anything, despite breaking the law. You should be prepared to meet any circumstances and to communicate with any type of people.
Almost no one has the experience of living in a post-apocalyptic world. How can one even prep for it? We can only guess what skills and preparations must be acquired for successful survival in such an environment.
There are even ideas of how apocalypses might look, and we can see them in full detail in many popular movies:
In recent years, we have got a ton of dystopian blockbusters that can be taken almost like instructions. It might seem funny to analyze fictional characters’ actions in order to apply them for the sake of your future survival. But who knows what can turn out to be very useful in an emergency.
Not everyone wants to live in such a world, where everything is ruined and nothing will ever be the same. Not everyone has enough mental strength and desire to live there. And that is the sad truth, unfortunately.
However, if you decide that it is absolutely worth living in such a world and fighting for your life, then you should acquire special skills and knowledge. They will help you not only to survive but also to have confidence and belief in your survival.
While prepping for any majorly disturbing event to happen, consider learning the following skills that will help you to survive:
- Self-defense
- Living off the grid
- Seed saving
- Reloading ammo
- Aquaponics
- Making DIY energy generators
There are many other activities that are useful for long-term survival in extreme situations. You should constantly enlarge your skills, knowledge, and stock material so that you can be sure of yourself.
You can either go all the way into being a prepper or stop where you want. At the end of the day, it is only your choice. But some basic level will not hurt anyone, so do not miss an opportunity to learn something that can save your life.
How do I start prepping?
Start small, and no one forces you to build a bunker right away. Your emergency preparations may start by purchasing water and food for several days. Leave these supplies intact. Keep the things in your first aid kit up to date. Make sure the shelf life does not expire in the next month. The good idea is to have a savings bank account and insurance plan. These are the things that can save you in the event of a disaster money situation.
Making a plan and sticking to it might help to make sure you do not forget anything important in providing your safety.
What does prepping mean?
This is preparation for extreme events that may occur. It includes several components:
- Stocks — food supply, store water, first aid emergency kit, even toilet paper;
- Skills — ranging from the ability to grow food to things like self-defense.
Stocks include a lot more than just food and water supplies for 3 days. You can make them more long-lasting if you prepare well enough. Your skills should also be very extensive, so you can survive in any dangerous or extreme environment.
A prepper is a person who gets ready and has a plan for everything. He or she is willing to survive, no matter what conditions life has put them in.
Why should you prep?
Even if you live in abundance, the world can turn upside down at any moment. Getting prepped is never something unnecessary or paranoid. Being the prepared one means you are able to:
- Take care of your and your family’s future;
- Be confident that even in terrible disasters, you can survive;
- Do not depend on others.
The likelihood that your life will have at least one unexpected catastrophic event is very high. A lot of simpler failures happen all the time. Prepared people have an airbag to get through all of them.
What should I buy for prepping?
First of all, purchase basic things like water storage systems, food supplies, first aid medicines. A person can live without food for some time, but only for up to 4 days without water. It is worth calculating 1 gallon of water per day per person.
Then move on to purchasing supplies by category:
- Light and fire;
- Hygiene things;
- Power and communication;
- Tools.
Make sure you do not forget about mental sanity and stock up on entertainment supplies for long-term lockdown.
How to start prepping on a budget?
The prepper does not necessarily spend a lot of money on preparing. The main thing to do to stay on the budget is to plan everything.
We recommend keeping an eye on discounts and special offers from stores.
Buying essential supplies will not cost you a fortune, and many things you can do by yourself.
Invest time in your skills. With the help of them, you can solve most of the problems without unnecessary expenses.
How to prepare for a doomsday event?
You need to make a plan and be prepared. You can use the advice of survival experts and preppers and take the following steps:
- Pack a bug-out bag with clothes, food and water supplies, blanket or sleeping bag, medications. Your bug-out bag should be packed all the time.
- Make sure you know several escape routes.
- Check on likely disasters.
- Get the additional skills you need to survive.
- Check for a possible shelter.