Read our Valley Food Storage review before buying freeze-dried food meals with a 25-year shelf life guarantee! You can get bulks of meat, rice, soup, potato, chicken, cheese, and pasta, as well as a fruit or a vegetable bucket. Spoiler: the cooking instructions will be clear, and the packaging is of good quality. They have premium kits with a necessary number of calories and added protein, and all meals, starting with breakfast (a bit of oatmeal, anyone?). Read the review of ingredients and taste the Valley Food Storage food yourself!
No matter what age you are now, you have definitely heard about the Great Depression period. It was when the economy of one of the most developed countries was crushed—a tough period for all Americans of the 1930s. This event inevitably left a trace in our predecessors’ lives and changed their way of thinking forever.
They started to stockpile food. The Great Depression made them think about how precious food can be and how difficult it is sometimes to find it. It turned out that the food supply is a “fragile” thing, but, despite this fact, it is of high importance.
Valley Food Storage Review in Detail
In our everyday lives, we do not often think that we are now those who care about what to eat and where to find food and water for the next meal. Some of us start feeling this responsibility earlier. Some do later. Anyway, preparedness for survival situations is a must-have nurtured skill.
When this thought flashed through my mind, I moved out of my parents’ house and got a dog. This was when I had to start thinking about food and water for myself and for my pet. Nobody but me could feed him, and he was totally dependent on my actions. I had to check numerous reviews of the best dog foods not to poison him accidentally. Those times it was a huge responsibility. At least that’s what I thought.
But later, I got a family. The day my son was born changed everything. Now I realize that feeding the dog was not such a complicated task. Feeding a son and providing him with all the best was a much higher level of responsibility. And this responsibility was totally mine—not of my parents or my friends—I became a serious adult then.
Just for the record, I have been a true survivalist for years—I have plenty of survival tools at home, and my skills are great. I’ve been living a resilient life for a long period, for you to know. And I always wanted to be independent of the rest of society—and to be able to live on my own.
I paid attention to the freeze-dried food reserve I had and came to the conclusion that my food storage needs (the needs of my family) could not be satisfied with what I had at that moment. I should always keep in mind the threat of potential black swan events, which can harm my family and me if I am not prepared enough.
Then I decided to explore the field and do a small food storage review. So that my review would be useful and fair, I had to search for relevant information from various sources concerning different companies. The final choice fell on Valley Food Storage.
For almost half of the year, I was adding food to my storage. I wanted to make sure that we would not be in need in case of an emergency and that my kit would be full. Now, I have a stock that will keep us “well-fed” for at least 25 years.
You can now get acquainted with my review of Valley Food Storage’s products (Irish Pub Style Cheddar Potato and Chicken A La King).
Survival Food Types by Valley Food Storage
Let us consider the main four options survivalists have on the market in terms of the best survival food meals the Valley Food Storage produce:
- Survival menu for one month
- Nutritious foods for three months
- Six-month food plan
- One-year Valley Food meals
Also, there is an opportunity to switch between the basic and the privileged plans. While these two are advertised as different options, the major point of differentiation is the size, which is two times larger in the premium pack compared to the ordinary one.
As to the calorie count, the first Valley Food kit’s meals include an average norm of calories a person may require. At the same time, the more ample food pack by Valley contains more calories — the amount that is suggested for survivalists and preppers.
Besides the main dishes, there is an opportunity to get yourself some fruit and veggies in the food pack. Also, you will get an extra spoonful of protein so badly needed for survival.
Valleyfoodstorage by portion served
When in an emergency, the food storage is usually scarce, so the portions should be sized up so that individuals can sustain themselves for a long time: the longer, the better.
Let us consider how long do two buckets of Valley Food meals last:
There are as many as around 300 times you can eat the contents of two Valley Food buckets, and the calories total around 50 thousand, which makes it an average of 1500 calories available per day. This amount may seem pretty big for homesteaders. However, if you are on the move and your goal is survival in a tough situation requiring spilling a ton of energy on simple tasks, doctors recommend consuming at least two to two and a half thousand calories on a daily basis. All in all, the regimes of consumption may vary by person and situation they are in.
Valley Food Individual Portioning
As to the breakfast norm, a Valley Food Pack contains 150—300 calories, while the lunch count totals at 150—350 on average. Of course, different people have distinctive nutrition tendencies and may be facing rather different situations. Anyway, the more food you store before the emergency breaks out, the better your survival chances are.
Valley Freeze-Dried Food options
The Valley company provides a considerable range of foods for survivalists. Here are the major meal options you get with a Valley Food bucket:
- The so-needed dairy products
- The mandatory meat portions
- Peanut butter for nutrition and fun
- Veggies are so important, especially in an emergency that may last long-term
- Fruit variants will help you sustain for longer periods
- Powdered eggs are a must-have for every prepper and homesteader
Valley Food Storage Meal Range
All in all, one pack of Valley Food Storage meals contains seven nutritious different breakfast variants, as well as 12 options for lunch or supper, you decide. Certainly, there are people who are really particular at choosing what to eat. However, in a survival environment, these particularities grind to a halt because the main point becomes surviving. To avoid having to be picky or eating what you detest, try to figure out the entire list of a Valley Food Storage meal bucket beforehand.
Staple Foods
Of these, Valley Food Storage provides pasta, cheeses, oatmeal, cereals, potatoes, soup, and all one may need in a survival situation to continue active survival. If you love pancakes, you will be happy to see them on the Valley Food’s menu, as well as buttermilk or, say, mango-containing meals.
Valley Food Storage Menu Advantages
When choosing the “win,” I paid attention to the following aspects:
- Price
- Presence of Fillers
- Packaging Materials
- Non-GMO or Not?
- Presence of MSG
- Country of Production
Why are Value Food Storage Meals the best? Because:
- Their products have a great ratio of price and quality;
- No fillers are present;
- They use only high-quality materials for the package;
- The products are Non-GMO;
- No MSG is present;
- Produced in the USA
Isn’t it enough? Check this list of reasons Why Valley Food Storage And Nothing Else then!
You have the opportunity to order their products online—it means that you won’t have to scour the grocery store shelves trying to find the meals you need.
Valley Food Meals Overall Impression
Now tell me, how much do you care about the design of the product you are planning to buy? If not very much, welcome to the club!
Everybody knows that it’s the marketing specialists’ one of the main goal—to make the product attractive enough so that customers decide to choose it among a variety of others. But sometimes, we fall for nicely-packed items, and when we unpack them, we do not get what we want! At least when it comes to the quality of goods. Low-quality products can be easily hidden under the beautiful design—and there is nothing we can do about it… Or can we?
Well, we can try to pay more attention to what is written on the label on the pack itself. Read carefully, ad, and if you get lucky, you will avoid substandard products inside!
But when we talk about the quality of surviving items, the products themselves are not the only thing that matters. We also have to take a closer look at the quality of the package! Why does it matter? Because we are talking about survival food, which has to be packed well so that it could be “eatable” for a long time!
So, when it comes to filling up your long-term food supplies, choose the companies which produce a high-class package! An example of such a company is Valley Food Storage.
When I received my order, I was impressed. It was evident that the company is interested in producing a quality package. Despite the fact that it is not as view-catching as it could be, you can feel that it is created from good materials. As a man who worked at the production shop for years, I can distinguish high-quality materials from low-quality ones. Valley Food Storage uses only the high-quality ones, that is for sure!
In some sense, I even enjoy the fact that Valley Food Storage produces discreet packages for their long-term food. Usually, food companies do not risk that much and use catchy designs to attract people. But this company is confident in the foods they make.
I can also trust their high-quality mylar bags (and so can you). These mylar bags contain all the basic information concerning the survival meals you need. You can (and you should!) put at least several of these mylar bags into your survival food kit. If you ever have to use your emergency food kits, you will thank me for this advice!
Now, pay attention to the picture:
Do you see how well this mylar bag is sealed? You won’t be able to damage this package just by dropping it. To destroy it, you will have to imply your tools, like a knife or scissors. With such a seal, your meals are protected.
This explains the fact that Valley Food Storage provides a shelf life guarantee, which lasts for 25 years, and a satisfaction guarantee—you will definitely enjoy your purchase.
What Is Exactly Inside the Valley Food Packaging?
This food looks like almost any other freeze-dried meal I used to taste.
If we examine this food in detail, we can notice potatoes, some rice, the peas. Look closer, and you will also see a little bit of garlic and Worcestershire powder.
I looked at it, I smelled it, I tried to taste it (a little bit), and after that, I put some of it into the dish. That’s what it looked like when I did it:
And again, the first picture demonstrates “Chicken A La King,” and the second one — is “Irish Pub Style Cheddar Potato.”
Valley Food Meals Preparation Steps
When you want to taste the long-term food you ordered, you always start preparing the meals. For freeze-dried food, almost always, one receipt works perfectly. It works with Valley Food Storage as well. You add the water to the pot or the ladle and put it “on fire.” Constantly stirring, you wait until it all starts boiling and then turn down the heat.
For the meals, it usually takes 10-20 minutes to get prepared. After that, you should give it several minutes before you eat.
Then you can enjoy your meal.
Valley Food Meals are easy to cook
The only thing you need to prepare a fully nutritious and balanced meal is to put the Valley bucket contents into boiling water and wait. The time needed to carry out this simplistic action varies from three to five minutes, not entirely without exclusions, though: such dishes as risotto may need around 20 minutes to be fully cooked. Another case in point is pancakes.
Valleyfoodstorage for vegetarians
For those having difficulties choosing meals due to their being allergic to certain products, Valley Food Storage has something great to offer in their several (there are three of them, actually) breakfast options:
- dairy-free options
- soy-free meals
- gluten-free dishes
- treats for vegetarians
However, I should disappoint all you vegetarians out there by saying that Valley Food Storage do not offer any specifically-vegetarian meal buckets. The same story is with gluten-free products.
However, you can get a bucket in the form you prefer if you filter out the unwanted products beforehand. Remember, the more careful you are with the choice of survival meals — and with your taste preferences concerned — the more likely you are to stay well-nutritioned for the sake of survival. The take of your favorite meals that you don’t have allergies to will be another factor increasing the odds of getting away unharmed and healthy.
So you simply gotto spend some time in advance and carefully choose the options Valley Food Storage meal buckets have to offer to you.
Valley Food Storage Ingredients Explained
The Valley Food Storage Company has its website, where you can find some information about the ingredients they put into their meals.
As they state, their freeze-dried food does not contain health-threatening preservatives, MSG, or hydrogenated oils. Valley Food Storage tries to exclude those ingredients which will negatively affect the shelf life of the meals and which will destroy the taste.
Instead, they put the ingredients of the highest quality to be sure that their meals will be nutritious and delicious.
Do you remember I asked you to pay attention to the labels printed on the packages? It’s time to check what is written on the Valley Food Storage meals.
After exploring the labels, I realized that I knew the majority of the ingredients. They did not cause a panic attack – all of them are not harmful to our health, so I can easily feed my son with these meals.
I believe that people should carefully check the lists of ingredients for the meals they buy. And it concerns not only the freeze-dried food but also their regular meals, like the potato soup, for example.
What Does This Survival Food Taste Like?
Alright, we understood that the packaging Valley Food Storage provides is great, their emergency food contains mainly healthy ingredients, excluding artificial ingredients and preservatives, and it is easy to prepare. But none of this will matter if it does not taste well—all in all, we will have to eat these foods for days in case of emergency!
I remind you that we prepared two dishes: the main dish—Chicken A La King and the side one—Irish Pub Style Cheddar Potatoes. We let it stay for several minutes and then decided to try.
The first impression was great—our home got filled with a pleasant smell. We all sat around our big table—we did not even have to call our dog (remember I told you in the very beginning?)—he ran into the kitchen in a flash.
If you are curious about what the final dish looked like, here you are:
Honestly speaking, the taste was great. My family enjoyed it as much as I did. Of course, people do not usually expect that freeze-dried foods will be like those in restaurants. These are survival meals, prepared with ordinary items—something like a ladle or a frying pan.
Valley Food Storage freeze-dried products are more than just “eatable”—they are great. Although they lacked a little bit of salt for me, the other “tasters” in the kitchen were satisfied. Not to mention my dog, wagging his tail in delight.
I remember going on backpacking trips. There we usually had only freeze-dried food to eat and some water to drink. That was it. And I always enjoyed it (maybe because I was always feeling hungry). But these meals by Valley Food Storage were tasted at home, without any hustle-and-bustle of backpacking. We were not tired. We were not camping… And we still liked it! If that is not the best compliment for freeze-dried foods—I don’t know what is then.
But the taste was not the only advantage. By the end of the dinner, we all were well-fed, and we still had plenty of food remaining. On the package, Valley Food Storage stated that one pack of their freeze-dried meal contains five servings. We used two packs. Thus we prepared ten servings. We consumed three servings, and we had at least two servings per person left. This means that, in total, they provided nine servings, which is very close to the truth, considering that the notion of “serving” is very subjective.
I was satisfied with the purchase. I had the feeling that I paid for the freeze-dried food, which was worth it. I strongly recommend you heed my Valley Food Storage review. You will not regret it.
Valley Food Storage Takeaway
Of course, you are not supposed to trust every single word I say in my Valley Food Storage Review. If you have doubts, that’s great—it means you have your head on your shoulders. I respect it when people think carefully before making decisions. I am that kind of person as well.
Luckily, you have a chance to try their freeze-dried food before buying a lot. Click here, and you will get a free sample of it.
If you like it, you will then be able to order a larger amount to fill your bug-out bag.
You will not have to pay for the sample, just for the shipping. Click here, and you will get it.
Now, if you are curious, go visit the Valley Food Storage website and choose the freeze-dried food that will survive the 25-year shelf life.
Frequently Asked Questions — FAQ
What is the best long-term food storage company?
Different reviews will state differently, but this is the Valley Food Storage Review, so I state that Valley Food Storage is the best manufacturer producing freeze-dried food. If you choose them, you will never regret this investment. I recommend filling your kit with their meals—you will be satisfied with their high-class production!
Is Valley food storage legit?
Of course, it is. There is no law prohibiting you from stocking up on water or long-term foods to be prepared for any sort of catastrophe. I would even recommend doing so, as we now live in a quite unstable world. You should better have your emergency kit full of any meals from Enchilada Beans to Pasta Primavera. Luckily, now you know one great manufacturer producing these meals.
What is the best emergency food?
The best emergency meals are those that you can keep for a long time. Hardly, for example, an apple will survive even 30-day storage, not to mention the 25-year maintenance. You should better eat this apple right now, don’t put it in your emergency kit. Check the Valley Food Storage website to explore the variety of meals that will fit your kit perfectly and will wait 25 years for you to eat them.