Knowledge and skills save lives, especially in 2023. Even a super-hard case turns into an adventure if you know what to do in any situation. Also, survival skills count a lot: If you can pack your survival bag and set up a proper survival shelter, such long-term situations as an economic collapse or off-the-grid situation will become more bearable for you and your dear ones. So basically, your preparedness for anything is the first thing to consider while it is still normal life. But who knows what’s gonna happen next? As a result, to be absolutely sure, you should have survival weapons, survival food and water supplies, and proper skills, and more! Read the article to learn about other life-saving essentials and useful skills to consider!
It is not surprising that each of us wants to be sure of our safety. It is important for us that the place where we live and spend most of our lives is protected from detractors and unpleasant cases. On the one hand, the safety of our family in a private area to that criminals must have no access is one of the main values in every person’s life. You may lock the door, but sometimes it is not enough. On the other hand, not everyone seriously thinks about installing a tripwire alarm system because this service can be very expensive.
To the point
Turning to statistics, we can note that two-thirds of Americans are not sure about the safety of their own homes, which makes us think about the usefulness of alarms. Fortunately, if you cannot afford an automatic tripwire system, you will be able to resort to the traditional type of warning – a trip wire. In addition to the fact that this method is absolutely not expensive, it is easy to make a trip wire yourself.
In addition, when it comes to survival in extreme conditions such as natural disasters and attacks, sometimes ensuring the safety of your tent or bug-out shelter is even more important than the safety of your home. The majority of people are now more concerned about the problem of cybersecurity. It is right, but the issue of your property being attacked is endless, too.
Keep reading this article to learn about the materials you will need and the steps to take to get a basic but reliable tripwire alarm system. We want to raise our users’ awareness about office and house security. So think about your safety and homeland security now!
How Does Trip Wire Alarm Function?
The good news is that there is nothing complicated about a trip wire device. Let’s look at what parts it consists of:
- A cord, a wire, or a thin rope (it should be invisible since it is stretched at the entrance to the house, blocking the path of an attacker, at the same time, it is better to choose a simpler material. Otherwise, the wire will immediately break when someone touches it);
- the alert system itself (when touching the wire, which should be connected to the system, a warning signal is given that someone is trying to get into the house)
How Will a Trip Wire Alert Help You?
Now everyone seems to be more focused on cybersecurity, but homeland security is also extremely important. For instance, there is an infrastructure security agency in the USA. A trip wire alarm is a great tool to stop criminals who try to access your house (purchasing a good lock will also be helpful). Any movement will trigger an alert to work.
If you want to know that your home is secure for you and your loved ones, then we will recommend trying to install a trip wire.
The alarm system is useful not only to let you know that someone is trying to get into the house but also to automatically scare away robbers or other enemies. Your property and your loved ones should be in a secure environment. It is not necessary to undertake complex procedures and apply all of them.
At the same time, it does not matter if you lock the door since it does not provide absolute security. Criminals can find the keys or a code and get access to the building. Unfortunately, human beings have long learned to cope even with reliable locks. We recommend installing a trip wire security system yourself right now so that you do not regret it later.
Types of Trip Wires
At the moment, there are several options for signaling systems. Of course, the more inconspicuous the wire that connects it to the alarm is, the better. Now you can choose a wireless system to protect an area you live in.
1 – Direct alarm
One of the basic tripwire models is a direct trip wire. It is not surprising that it is extremely easy to understand how it works and how to install it yourself without the involvement of specialists. As a result, the price is the lowest among other options on the market. At the same time, you can be sure that a trip wire works effectively.
But is everything so positive? A direct trip wire is by no means a modern way to protect your home from detractors. You need to connect the tripwire itself and the trip wire system, which implies their close location.
What will it take to install a direct trip wire? Thin wire and attack alarm or keychain alarm at your discretion.
2 – Radio trip wire
As we have already noted, the indisputable disadvantage of the basic tripwire alarm with a stretch is the need to connect the wire to the notification unit – this can be inconvenient.
Unlike the usual trip wire, the radio frequency trip wire can be installed anywhere and at any distance between the parts of the device.
An intruder passes through the wire, triggering an alert to go off. These systems send you a notification about an attempt to get into your house. The advantage of this trip wire is that the alert is triggered from a long distance since the main element is a radio transmitter.
Thanks to this, you will always know that your home and loved ones are secure and protected. It will be a good option if you want to raise awareness of what is happening near your home or office.
3 – Laser alarm
Types of Trip Wires
At the moment, there are several options for signaling systems. Of course, the more inconspicuous the wire that connects it to the alarm is, the better. Now you can choose a wireless system to protect an area you live in.
1 – Direct alarm
One of the basic tripwire models is a direct trip wire. It is not surprising that it is extremely easy to understand how it works and how to install it yourself without the involvement of specialists. As a result, the price is the lowest among other options on the market. At the same time, you can be sure that a trip wire works effectively.
But is everything so positive? A direct trip wire is by no means a modern way to protect your home from detractors. You need to connect the tripwire itself and the trip wire system, which implies their close location.
What will it take to install a direct trip wire? Thin wire and attack alarm or keychain alarm at your discretion.
2 – Radio trip wire
As we have already noted, the indisputable disadvantage of the basic tripwire alarm with a stretch is the need to connect the wire to the notification unit – this can be inconvenient.
Unlike the usual trip wire, the radio frequency trip wire can be installed anywhere and at any distance between the parts of the device.
An intruder passes through the wire, triggering an alert to go off. These systems send you a notification about an attempt to get into your house. The advantage of this trip wire is that the alert is triggered from a long distance since the main element is a radio transmitter.
Thanks to this, you will always know that your home and loved ones are secure and protected. It will be a good option if you want to raise awareness of what is happening near your home or office.
If you want a more modern solution to the security problem of your home, we will advise you to try a tripwire alarm system with an infrared or laser beam.
Such a trip wire with a stretch may look more solid than the standard one. In addition, the chance that a robber will notice a stretched rope or wire is reduced to zero when using a laser. You have probably seen this in movies, but you have never thought that installing such a trip wire at home is quite simple.
Nowadays, you can find a ready-made trip wire in stores or order them online.
You will only need to install an alert system. However, you can try to make a laser alarm with a stretch yourself, which will require a little more effort and time. Keep reading the article to get more information about the technology and the necessary equipment.
How to Set a Direct Trip Wire?
Now we will tell you how you can install your direct tripwire signaling. What tools will you need?
- A fairly long wire, fishing line, or extended cord. The size of the coil of wire that you purchase depends on whether you want to stretch it around the whole house or just in the doorway;
- A signaling device (keychain-style or attack signaling device is suitable).
What procedures should be carried out?
The first thing you should do is to fix the wire between two poles, trees, in a doorway, or to something nearby that will serve as a reliable attachment. One of the ends of the wire must also be attached to the pin of the warning system.
Moreover, it is important at what level you fix the wire. It is recommended to step back one foot from the ground. Remember and pay attention to this during the installation of the wire! In no case should the wire sag, hang out, or touch the ground. The tension is crucial. It is enough to stretch the wire strongly and fix it exactly in this position. On the contrary, pulling the wire too hard will trigger the system immediately, too.
How to Set a Laser Tripwire Signaling?
You can choose a more modern version of the danger alert – a laser trip wire. Currently, such technology can appear in spy movies, but you can purchase it by adding it to the shopping cart on Amazon or make them yourself.
Here’s what you will need:
- three batteries (type AA) and holders for them; two resistors and a photoresistor;
- a printed circuit board;
- a laser (users can buy a regular laser pointer in the nearest store or add it to a shopping cart on Amazon, but be careful not to direct the laser beam into your eyes);
- wires;
- a switch;
- a connection tube;
- a timer chip;
- a 3-12-volt buzzer.
The printed circuit board is needed to connect all the necessary parts to a properly working circuit correctly. The laser pointer must always work to trigger an alert. Test it! If everything works as described, then your trip wire will be ready to be used for its intended purpose.
Now it will be impossible for intruders to enter your home or office. Every movement near the entry or around the building will be detected.
How to Set a Radio-Frequency Tripwire?
You will need a regular doorbell to which you need to add a switch that will be activated when the wire is stretched. The remaining actions for fixing the wire between the two supports remain the same as the aforementioned types of alerts.
Many Uses of a Trip Wire Alarm
Tripwire has many uses. Over the past decades, soldiers have used it during military actions. Wire detects movement and triggers explosives. Since many explosives were left, bombing prevention is still a problem, and IED incidents seem endless. There is a special department called the infrastructure security agency that deals with bombing prevention.
Apart from bombing prevention, nowadays, people just want their homes to be secure. That is why the wire is often used in businesses related to the protection of houses and alerts. They function the same way and send the signal to homeowners.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is tripwire used for?
If you want to ensure the safety of your home, install a reliable tripwire system, and use a non-lethal method of protection, an alarm system with a trip wire is what you need to feel secure. When choosing between a conventional automatic alarm system and a self-made alarm system with a trip wire, the choice may fall on the second option since the key factor is low cost. Since tripwire bombs were previously used during wars, bombing prevention and IED incidents are still common.
How do you make a trip wire?
The list of necessary actions and materials depends primarily on the type of alarm system with a tripwire that you choose for your home or temporary shelter. The main tool that you need is a wire. You might also need a doorbell, a laser, and signaling. You will get more information and expand your knowledge if you read the entire article above.