Choosing a weapon for self-defense or a gun for survival can be a tricky task to perform in 2023. Of course, some items of the proper survival gear in your well-packed backpack are essential, too, but the survival skills and situational awareness you possess will turn out even more beneficial. Whether you are a professional homesteader, survivalist, or prepper, read our article to find out about an untrivial option for survival and self-defense tool.
Not just a stick
There is often a situation when you are flying on vacation to another country or on a business trip. Still, there may be problems transporting your favorite EDC tool for self-defense when passing through border control. But you don’t want to be left without the opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones. To solve this issue, we have prepared a large article about the KA-BAR combat cane. Remember, this is not an assistant for a hike; this self-defense cane will be able to get to where our many weapons options for Everyday Carry (EDC) can’t pass.
In the photo above, Chris Costa from the Costa Ludus self-defense school breaks the glass of a car for shooting exercises without making any effort. A wooden cane helps to pull out large pieces of glass without cuts on the hands.
Why Do You Need a Fighting Cane
With the growth of your skills and the presence of a good coach, you will get the opportunity to be able to stand up for yourself with combat canes in more difficult fights, and also learn to make throws, knockdowns, and blocks, and become one of the cane masters.
You can find many videos on any video resource about armed attacks in plain sight in China or London. Would you be happy to fight off an attacker with a knife with an excellent quality aluminum cane instead of bare hands or a tool made of crumpled paper?
A Guide to Using a Martial Arts Cane
Here is a tip on how to do it correctly. Take a combat cane in both hands parallel to your chest; this will allow you to block blows or counterattack your opponent. With the help of a curved handle, you can trap limbs, break the balance, and overturn your opponent. If you put a good block, it will help to knock the blade out of your hands or even break bones. When it comes to your safety, you cannot think about the health of the villains.
The technique that is shown below: An attack with a knife is carried out on a master of martial arts, Sung Cho. After blocking the hand, Sung Cho conducts a counterattack, grabbing the opponent’s neck and knocking the opponent to the floor, taking him out of balance.
Action taker
What will you do if you look into the eyes of risk and danger? Hold the handle of the fighting cane, lift the other tip and make the final attack on the leg. Legs are the hardest to bear the blows inflicted. By making a strong blow to the leg, you are most likely to immobilize the opponent. Self-defense canes are ideal for such fights. In addition to getting a cane – get a light timer to protect your home.
Fighting can is exactly what can save you from the threat of being beaten in the park. A simple but accurate blow below the belt will stop an enemy’s attack, and it will save you from problems. Moreover, this self-defense tool will always be with you.
If a skirmish is inevitable while walking on the street, it will be better to end it quickly. Any blow with a fist, foot, or blade aimed at you can be easily stopped by an accurate blow with a walking stick, causing pain to the opponent. And a decisive blow to the head or neck will completely stop him. Training your skills in self-defense will help you to be ready for any fight.
Self-Defense Canes’ Types
At the moment, there is a huge number of fighting canes of various colors, shapes, and purposes. Let’s take a look at the most popular ones.
1. Gun Canes
If you think that such devices have been preserved only in secret NATO developments or James Bond films, then you are deeply mistaken. This type of cane is really for sale!
But in order to get it, you need a permit to carry walking canes with other weapons, and, in most states, you also need a concealed carry permit. This cane has a solid pistol grip style handle with a fire weapon fit inside; at that point, your security is growing. The intended purpose of this cane is to neutralize the enemy who also has a firearm.
Unfortunately, it can be confiscated due to the danger of this self-defense tool, so it is not as convenient as an ordinary walking cane.
2. Sword Canes
These self-defense weapons are made of cold steel with swords inside. They have an excellent but simple design. But it has one big disadvantage: these sword canes have a very weak cold steel sword bracing, which makes the sword blade fall out at the right moment. Actually, this may cost you your life. Therefore, we do not recommend taking this walking cane with you, as it is too inconvenient and dangerous.
3. Shocking Cane
For this type of equipment with an electric shock device, such as the Arc Angel Stun Cane, you do not need much experience in using self-defense canes and training for a good level of self-defense.
However, if the situation does not require that you deprive someone of feelings with an electric shock, then you will frighten opponents with light and sound from a cane. This will help scare dogs or some people with bad intentions since the light of a stun cane might be a potent weapon.
4. Hammer Canes
Unlike cold steel sword canes and gun combat cane, the hammer cane will pass any verification point at the airport or at the border, especially if you choose an option that is as inconspicuous as the Cold Steel Guard 2 model. You can search for other models, but they look more like a weapon. A hammer tip is more reliable than a sword. While the blade of the sword is very unreliable and has few uses, the hammer is better attached and can serve as a breaching tool. A curved back spike can help you to break something. When the enemy meets this cane, his neck is definitely not going to be well. We choose the hammer, not the swords.
Development and Characteristics
Unlike other wood models from more solid wood species, this KA-BAR fighting cane weighs more and is made more firmly and more cunning. This walking cane is not made of wood but of polyester and injection molded nylon with the addition of aluminum. The entire length of this wooden cane is 39 inches, and it weighs 2.2 pounds. The outer diameter of 1 inch allows you to ensure the size of the “pocket” of 0.75 inches. Such dimensions make it easy to control the self-defense cane when training martial arts, and it is easy to get used to it.
A few words about creators
A police officer and the creator of the TDI fighting cane for self-defense, John Banner, said that KA-BAR makes a walking cane in New York to meet the high demand. Banner says: “Mexican police officers distribute walking sticks to elderly people for their self-defense. Canes are needed to carry a weapon when you need it.”
There are two more factors that distinguish a cane for self-defense from an ordinary walking stick, and they can be seen at first glance at the fighting cane. The first detail is an enlarged curved handle with a special pressure point, which we have written about above.
In an ordinary walking aid made of wood, the handle is bent in the form of a semicircle and contains a gap of 3 inches between the shaft and the tip. Because of this reason, the capture of the limbs will be more difficult. The handle hook of the KA-BAR cane for self-defense has a larger gap and a less round shape, which will allow you to grab the opponent by any part of the body.
Also matters
The lid on the leg is easily removed, and you can hide important items for yourself, keys, or money in the tubular shaft. But be reasonable; when visiting public places or government institutions, be prepared for the fact that you will be examined. Obviously, you do not want to get into an unpleasant situation when passing through the scanner with your walking stick for self-defense. This is polite and correct!
Captain says
We advise you not to put objects in the cane that threaten the safety of people around and not to take self-defense canes equipped with firearms or blades.
In Full View of Everyone
The technique below: Sung Cho, attacked with a bat, blocks the opponent’s swing and grabs his neck with the handle, then holds the grip on the ground, preventing him from moving and hitting.
It is possible that a thief or a criminal will get you in the parking lot. In this case, the cane will not serve as a sign for retreat, he does not see a trick in it, but this object will help you keep a safe distance between you and the criminal. Blades or firearms will protect you if you are attacked by an armed attack. In addition, training in the gym will help you stay calm in such moments.
Case in point
The situation is presented below: Some raging man wants to steal John Capriola’s Ferrari from Sarasota. But the combat cane quickly deprives him of this desire.
The deadly risk might be right in plain sight. You may collide with a lot of opponents with a knife, and the situation may be approaching the point when either you will kill, or you will be killed. The cane can provide you with a few seconds or the distance to win a position. And it gives you the opportunity to change the place, the position of the body, choose better options for hitting, and so on. If you have the opportunity to shoot, then the cane will help you to prop up your hands for a more accurate shot.
The technique from Sung Cho is shown below: When you are grabbed from behind, the cane will remain in your hands. With the sharp end of the handle, you can easily put pressure on the opponent’s hands, which will free you from the grip.
Rules for Choosing a Walking Stick and Some Dood Options to Consider
The choice of a walking stick is influenced by several factors, which we will now pay attention to:
1. Cane Handle
There are canes not only with typically curved handles, but some also have rounded versions that are easier to hold and behave like a bat when hit. But if you look at them from the other side, then the hooked handles will help you grab your opponent by the limbs and disable him. And their sharp ends will help put pressure on the most painful places. The choice is still up to you.
2. Fabric
Usually, the cane is made of various types of wood because it is strong and lasts for a long time, but it is cumbersome compared to polyester or aluminum. But they are easier to adjust in height because you can simply cut off the desired size. Other materials are made for lighter canes, for women, or for older adults.
3. Shaft
The larger the shaft, the heavier the cane will be, which means a stronger blow. However, lighter types of combat canes behave more stable in the hands, and it is harder to take them away. But if you expect fighting from nowhere, we recommend taking a cane with a wider shaft.
The best canes for self-defense
Now, we will show you three options that, in our opinion, are the best of their kind:
1. United Cutlery M48
2. Zap Stun Cane
3. Cold Steel City Stick
The cane is an excellent tool for your self-defense; by choosing the perfect cane for yourself, you will find not only a wonderful protective tool but also a friend who will be with you in any fight. And the inconspicuousness and modest appearance of the cane will not tell the enemy about the possible presence of weapons in your possession. Use the cane only in emergency cases, and take care of yourself!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are canes good for self-defense?
Yes, canes are ideal for self-defense; their durable materials and normal weight will help you block the enemy’s blows, knock the weapon out of his hands and deliver counter-blows, discouraging all desire to fight with you or someone else from your family.
Can you carry a stick for self-defense?
Of course, the inconspicuous appearance of the cane will help you to use it as an assistant for walking and an excellent device for protection. Convenient developments of the cane will help to fight villains more effectively.
Is there a cane gun?
On the Internet, you can find many types of canes, from electric canes to pistol canes. However, this is considered to be a prohibited weapon. Therefore, you need a license to carry it in the majority of states. So wear it wisely!