A vehicle is a good thing by all means, but a solar-powered, kitchen-incorporating, on budget survival trailer carrying all the necessary survival gear is your guarantee for successful survival. In this article, we will tell you how to create and equip a proper survival trailer so that you could overcome even a zombie assault. Read on to be updated!
Survival trailers and prices vary greatly. You can choose an inexpensive model for yourself or get a super cool first class destroyer one.
We decided to start with a few expensive models to know what to aim for and get a few ideas for DIY trailers.
Do not worry. Our article will also talk about inexpensive models. Otherwise, we would not be experienced survivalists.
The Best Bug Out Survival Trailers You Can Buy
1. Jackwagon offroad
We will start with the one that is no longer available, but that does not stop us from admiring it on video and see what ideas we can borrow for our trailers.
This vehicle’s setup is quite simple, and it is possible to build a DIY setup using its example.
2. The Patriot Camper X1
This beast has won the prestigious Offroad Camper Trailers award for three years in a row.
If you do not want to get stuck anywhere, but want the trailer to help you, this bug out vehicle will suit you. The presence of drag behind will allow you to drive anywhere.
Better than words, the video will show it in action. Be sure to check it to get an understanding of the stunning rig of this survival camper.
Now you are sure to be impressed by the clever design of the Patriot Camper X1 and its chic additional features.
Of course, such a set cannot be cheap. This camper will cost more than $30,000.
Whether it is worth it is up to you and your budget.
3. Xventure Off-Road Trailer
A more affordable option compared to the previous one, which will cost you only $ 12,000. This one will give you maximum strength, durability, and plenty of storage space for your emergency gear and stuff. Besides, it comes with a tent.
These three expensive options are the benchmarks for good survival trailers. Sure, you can find hundreds of other cool and expensive trailers, but we decided to highlight these as they show the perfect foundation for what to search for in bug-out vehicles.
If these variants do not fit into the money amount you planned to spend or are ready to build a dream trailer yourself only for your needs, then read on our research without unnecessary functions.
Types of DIY Survival Trailers
It is not necessary to buy a survival trailer. You can do it yourself because everything that the survival gear carries and is attached to the back of the car can act as a survival trailer.
If your technical knowledge is at the proper level and you enjoy dealing with vehicles, why not make a trailer yourself? This can also be a kind of adventure.
Not to start from scratch, you can always look at how people have already done so that I will give you some examples of DIY trailer construction.
4. Compact Horse Trailers
Horse trailers are not designed for luxury and human comfort, so you have to work hard to make this a comfortable shelter.
See how well the author was able to retool the horse trailer. Such work will require special skills, but the result is worth it.
5. Moving Trailers
As in the first case, you will have to sweat to add comfort to this trailer. Nevertheless, it is a good example of converting any trailer into a bug out trailer.
Sadly, this trailer is not designed for rough terrain, but you will get to a bug out location if you plan for a smoother road. Instead, this trailer is your off-grid tiny house with a bed and storage.
6. Camper Trailer
A good example of how you can make a survival camper on your own by spending a couple of hours on it for half a year.
Where To Buy BugOut Trailers
You must proceed primarily from the amount of money that you are willing to spend on the purchase. There are different scenarios — you can buy from a private person, and most likely, it will be cheaper, but without guarantees, or you can buy from an authorized dealer. We have compiled for you a list of sites that we liked more than others:
How To Customize Your Survival Trailer
This is our favorite part for setting up a bug out trailer. In this process, you can show your creativity. But before you run wild, let’s discuss what the options for customizing might be.
- Mechanical Improvements
This includes important trailer updates for off-highway driving. It would be nice to put off-road equipment – tires, off-road shocks, beef up the axel.
- Color
Do not rush to paint the trailer in your favorite blue or yellow. Keep in mind the purpose of this camper and that it is better to blend in with the environment. Brown, forest green works well and can also be painted gray or black. Look at the area around you, and based on this, choose the appropriate color. Besides, you can go even further and buy camouflage netting.
- Exterior Design
You can make your transport more durable due to external attributes. You can attach metal diamond plating to the exterior walls. You can build frames to support survival hammocks or tents, so you have a little survival shelter on the road.
- Interior Design
Here you can do everything to your taste and any color. Think about what you need to place in the trailer and where you will store it, drawers, shelves, table, seat, or bed. You can draw a plan to try to accommodate everything you want.
How To Pack Your Survival Trailer
After you have upgraded your trailer inside and out, it is time to stock up on the right stuff for emergencies. The best thing is to sit down and make a list of everything you need to make sure you do not miss anything for your difficult adventure. You can take our list as a basis, but of course, supplement it with your own ideas.
Start with belongings you cannot live without so that it will definitely fit into your bug out trailer. After you have laid down the essentials enough to withstand the Apocalypse, you can fill the space with extra stuff.
- Medical kit
We really hope you do not need it, but first aid medical supplies will most likely come in handy if an extreme situation arises. You can order a ready-made medical kit and add medications that you need additionally, or assemble your own. Be sure to purchase disinfectants, pain relievers, hemostatics. If you have people with chronic illnesses in your family, do not forget to take pills for them. This item may save your life.
- Food
You will not go far without food. Of course, you will not be able to stock up on fresh foods. You will have to stock up with dry rations, canned foods, freeze-dried meals, and other survival food. Non-perishable foods are often rich in protein, fat, and calories, which is very important in a survival situation.
We recommend paying attention to survival food from Valley Food Storage. They offer a wide variety of products at reasonable prices.
- Water and water filters
People cannot live without water, so this may be the most important resource on the list. Stock up on cans or water bottles, and do not forget to pack in the LifeSafer JerryCan Water System, which you can use to purify water from natural sources.
- Weapons, ammo, guns
Weapons are an essential resource for any survivalist. A survival rifle may be needed in a survival situation not only for protecting yourself but also for hunting.
Stock up on at least a survival handgun, but do not forget that you need to replenish your ammo stockpile.
It is essential to lock all your weapons in the ammo safe so that no outsiders have access to them. Never let your weapon be used against you. People can show themselves unpredictably in an extreme situation, so you must always be on your guard.
Remember that weapons are not only survival guns and rifles. If you are good with crossbows and arrows, survival axes, knives, maces, or other weapons, then lock them in your gun safe in the bug out trailer.
If you are not an experienced fighter yet, then consider taking a few lessons. It will be a useful skill in a dangerous situation.
- Spare tires
It is unlikely that auto repair shops will work in the survival world. You will most likely have to figure it out yourself, so be sure to stock up on spare tires.
Imagine having to throw your transport loaded with survival equipment with a flat tire. In such cases, you must have at least one, and preferably two, spare tires.
- Fuel and batteries
Of course, you cannot make an eternal fuel supply, but having a fuel-safe container in an emergency is essential. Less thrifty people can create giant queues at gas stations, or gas stations can stop working, and anything can go wrong. Therefore, you need to have an emergency supply of fuel so you can drive your bug out vehicle to a safe place.
And you can use batteries for some of your equipment like flashlights.
Additional things
These items are not on your daily essentials list, but if you have extra space and budget, it might be a good idea to stock up on them. Some of the things will help you keep your sanity, and some may save your life. Nobody knows what kind of emergency there will be and what exactly may be needed, so just in case, you can stock up on something from each group of stuff.
- Spare clothes
Fresh clothes will definitely come into play if you need to take refuge off-grid in your survival trailer. Have extra underwear, T-shirts, pants, warm clothes, maybe even sturdy shoes. Such stock will definitely not be superfluous.
- Maps
You can hope for a GPS, but no one knows what will happen, as we have repeated many times. Maps and atlases do not take up much space, but they can help you on any journey.
Buy roadmaps of your area and surrounding states. A good idea will be to put on a map for the rest of the USA as well.
- Tools
Please do not have to use them, but the chances are that everything will be the other way around. Stock up on a set of lock picks, scissors, pliers, and other useful tools. The probability that you will have to repair, open locks, or otherwise use the tools is very high.
- Camp stove
Maintaining the illusion of civilization when the world collapses and cooking on the stove can be very calming. Using a propane stove, jet boil, gas stove, or any other camp stoves, you can quickly and easily prepare hot food.
- Boats or bikes
The more vehicles available for your use, the better. Freedom of movement is one of the privileges one must have in a survival situation. If the size of your trailer allows, you can store it inside. If not, attach it on the top, side, or back. Consider not only purchasing bug-out bikes but also purchasing rafts, kayaks, or canoes. The situation may turn out so that it will be more profitable for you to leave your survival trailer hidden somewhere and go further along the river. It is good to have transport for this case, even if it is not large.
- Hunting and fishing supplies
For hunting, you can use the weapon that we advised you to take above, and for fishing, you will need separate equipment.
Even experienced preppers will get tired of eating only non-perishable foods and want a fresh meal. Anyone will be happy to taste freshly cooked fish rich in healthy fats and protein. A fishing rod can feed you if you have lost all your food resources and are away from home. So put in your survival trailer a couple of rods, fishing line, bait. It will not take up very much space, but it will be a good investment in your survival.
- Entertainment
You might think that this is unnecessary, but it is not at all true. Food and water will help nourish your body and not starve to death, but your mind should also stay healthy. Emergencies are stressful for people, so you need to distract and entertain your brain for mental clarity. A deck of cards will not take up much space, but it can make the sad reality more like an adventure. Put on a collection of survival books, they will not only keep you occupied, but you can also draw the necessary experience from them. Playing cards, books, board games, take whatever you like to have fun on the road.
- Chains and locks
Saving your useful resources is very important and can be a paramount concern. Quality chains and locks that are difficult to break will be a good investment to protect your storage from anyone who wants to steal your belongings.
- Extra cash
If the world does not completely collapse, and the economy does not fall with it, you may need money. Bank cards can be useless, so it is best to have a supply of cash in a well-hidden place.
- Cookware and camping bowls
You can eat straight from cans or packaging, but to maintain the illusion of normality, we recommend purchasing a reusable set of tableware, sporks, or other cookware. You can put your food into them or use containers to store the food that you collected in nature. You can use improvised means. Dishes are not at all a necessity, but a nice addition.
- Gardening tools and seeds
If you are lucky and can settle in one place, it would be nice to access fresh food and vegetables. Gardening tools and seeds come in handy for this case. Buy a survival seed vault, and you can provide yourself and your family with fresh food. Timely replenishment of resources will be the key to survival.
- Binoculars
An important acquisition for hunters, looking out for unfamiliar terrain, or maybe binoculars will help you escape from the enemy.
- Vices
Excuse us for such a comparison, but what becomes a bargaining chip in jail, or what did people use instead of money when there were no coins yet? Then, instead of currency, there was coffee and tobacco. Even if you do not have bad habits, these items can help you exchange useful resources in economic collapse. Place your emergency supplies of alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes, even porn in a separate place. Now you can buy all this at an affordable price, but the price will skyrocket if the extreme situation drags on. When have you had better reasons to indulge your vices?
To Sum Up
An entire article is not enough to describe how many advantages bugout trailers have, but we have tried to answer the basic questions. If you have the strength and resources, be sure to purchase it. If you do not want to spend too much money, you can convert camping, gear, or horse trailers.
In the event of a disaster, owning such a thing will greatly facilitate your life and increase your chances. Trailer’s owners have the ability to quickly leave a dangerous place, all your survival kit, equipment and supplies will already be packed in your bug-out bag, and you and your family or friends can quickly run off the grid to a bug out location or safe camping. There are several ways to use the trailer. It is good not only as a vehicle but also as a mobile survival cache.
The trailer can be your new home in a world where everything is unpredictable. Imagine how much its presence will make your life easier in case of disasters.
Where To Buy Your Trailer?
There are several ways — you can buy from private sellers, for example, search for a website with ads, but then you may not have any guarantees. Or contact an authorized dealer. In our article, we advise you of several trusted stores that are responsible for their quality.
Why a Survival Trailer Is a Solid Investment?
It will become the key to your salvation in the apocalyptic world. First of all, you will be able to leave a dangerous place faster than anyone. You will not have to collect all your supplies and equipment around the house. Everything will already be in place. You will be able to travel to safety and even live in your trailer. You will have more possibilities.
What Are The Absolute Necessities?
This list includes stuff that satisfies basic human needs – food, water, medicine. Besides, what is needed in an emergency is fuel, spare tires, and weapons. This is only the most necessary. We advise you to expand the list with clothes, maps, tools, and so on. See our article for a complete list.
What Is The Anatomy of a Tent Topped Camping Trailer(TM)?
It consists of three main subsystems. The frame provides the foundation. The drawer gives storage space. The sleeping tent protects in bad weather. You can make such a system yourself. You need basic knowledge and free time.