Every summer, as of 2023, the owners of any real estate have unwanted neighbors who are not expected at all. Their name is house flies or insects. When it gets warm outside, they climb inside the house with great pleasure and feel like full-fledged owners. They constantly cause us inconvenience and it is extremely difficult to deal with them.
However, there is a solution to this problem. We will help you choose the best fly repellent spray and repellent for other insects. In this article, we have collected the best options for each case.
Best Fly Repellent to Choose
1. Buggins Natural Insect Repellent, DEET-Free
Since the chemical component duet can be very dangerous, both for adults and for young residents of the house. Natural Buggins fly repellents do not contain any toxic components. Instead of adding unreliable chemicals to their product, manufacturers use only plant-based ingredients when creating Buggins, such as pelargonium essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and other plant-based extracts. All these essential oils will pleasantly tickle the nose with their fragrance, but, at the same time, they will repel flies, flying insects, horse flies, buffalo gnats, mosquitoes, and other insects.
The product comes in a miniature spray bottle of only 100 grams. The working time of the spray is about two hours after application to the skin or any surface. Therefore, an aerosol spray from Buggins is a beautiful and safe option for caring for your loved ones and pets.
2. Cutter 95783 Citronella Candle
This is the most unusual format of insect repellents and probably the most convenient for outdoor space use. After lighting this fly repellent candle by Cutter, the smoke will deter flies with its smell. You can easily use it in your cozy house, cottage, and even near a camping tent. After setting fire to the fly repellents, you can just forget about it and relax. However, we do not recommend these fly repellents for indoor use since the essential oils in the candle can greatly harm the mucous membranes of the body.
This is a very cute and stylish candle weighing a little less than half a kilogram, sold in a reliable tin can. It can burn for up to 30 hours without wind. This is a great option for a veranda so that you can break away from the fight against biting flies and take time for yourself.
3. Mos-Repel Ultrasonic Pest Repellent
In case you do not accept the smell of essential oil in the house or do not want to apply household chemicals, then this version of a fly repellent from Mos-Repel was created especially for you. These repellents work according to the system of ultrasonic waves, which works perfectly, except for one thing. It works well only within one room since walls and other large objects do not let these waves through.
The radius of this device is about 500 square meters. Moreover, it is not only used for repelling flying insects and mosquitoes but also works against spiders, mice, and cockroaches. However, if you live with a small pet, then nothing will hurt them.
This is a great option for use in an enclosed space and for people who cannot stand the strong smell of essential oils.
4. OFF! Deep Woods Insect & Mosquito Repellent VIII
This is the most common version of the fly repellents that comes in the form of an aerosol spray by OFF! It is suitable for a great pastime outdoors and walking in the woods. The biggest advantage of this fly spray, unlike others, is its powder formula, which ensures dryness of your skin without leaving wet and unpleasant traces. However, we do not recommend using this fly repellent near the eyes and mouth. Beware of accidentally inhaling; otherwise, it may have a bad effect on your health. If the fly repellents get on the mucous membrane, rinse the damaged surface thoroughly with water and consult a specialist.
The product is sold in two spray bottles, which you can easily take with you. Each spray bottle weighs about 100 grams. The active ingredient of this remedy perfectly drives away flies, mosquitoes, and repelling bugs. In addition, the essential oils of lemon eucalyptus and lemongrass oil will surprise you with their pleasant smell.
This is probably the best fly repellent. This delightful versatile option should be on your shortlist of what to take for a walk.
5. Repel Insect Repellent Sportsmen Max Formula Lotion
The Repel fly repellent is specially designed for those who do not want to spend a lot of repellent on unnecessary areas. It is made in the form of a lotion. Just apply it to your skin and rub it like a regular cream. This product will protect you from flies for up to 10 hours and provide a peaceful time without unpleasant bites when you use just a few drops.
Thus, using this lotion, you should avoid it getting into the eyes and other sensitive areas. It is ideal for athletes, tourists, and hiking fans; it will scare away stable flies far and for a long time.
6. Repel Insect Repellent Mosquito Wipes 30% DEET
For those who do not want to spend money and take a whole bottle of lotion with them on a hike, you can buy a pack of wipes by Repel with fly repellent applied. This is a more mobile option, but the active ingredients of these wipes will do the same effect. After using wipes with bug repellent from Repel, you will be protected from bites for up to 10 hours.
This fly repellent is also great for protecting your children. In addition, they smell very pleasantly of mint, so you will not be annoyed by the unpleasant stench throughout the rest. Another important point is that the napkin cover is tightly closed so that they do not accidentally dry out. The last plus is that each wet wipe is eco-friendly and it does not cause allergic reactions.
Therefore, it is a great mobile option that can be easily put in your pocket for emergencies. If you need to get rid of flies on a hike, take it urgently!
Fly Repellents for Hikers and Preppers
There is nothing worse than a beautiful evening when you are constantly disturbed by flies, mosquitoes, and other insects. A natural fly repellent will help you solve the fly problem. Fly repellent is a substance that is capable of repelling insects from the place where it was applied. There are options for both home space and people’s bodies. The first one is needed so that your house is protected from small naughty pests, the second one was created not to catch an infection on a hike, because flying insects are carriers of dangerous diseases.
Reasons to Buy a Natural Fly Repellent
If you want to consider real arguments in favor of natural repellents, then check out a small list that we have compiled for you.
- Calmness. Any kind of bugs, especially biting insects, bring a lot of discomforts, they constantly distract you, buzz, and fly in front of your eyes. This affects your sleep, increases irritability, and causes fatigue. Believe us, after buying a natural repellent, you will be able to exhale in a relaxed way and enjoy your vacation;
- Safety. As we mentioned above, some bugs carry a lot of diseases and infections that can be transferred along with a bite or contact. If small children live in the house, this will cause even more concerns. If you have a home fly repellent spray, unpleasant situations with stable flies will never happen;
- Once and for all. Usually, one jar of repellent is enough for very long periods due to the household chemicals that are added to the repellent. Repellents can be used for up to 5 years, or even more. Therefore, by buying one jar today, you will keep the flies away from your house for a very long time;
- No harmful chemicals. All active ingredients in the composition of each spray should scare away pesky insects and must be completely harmless to humans. Each bug spray should be checked according to the Environmental Protection Agency and exclude the use of harmful chemicals. Therefore, the best spray will contain only natural ingredients and proven substances to be harmless and has maximum effectiveness.
Fly Repellent Buyer’s Checklist
To choose a suitable remedy for flies, you need to consider several criteria, depending on the current situation. This will help you save money and take the right insect repellents with you. After all, the choice of good natural fly repellents is very important. Let us take a look at crucial factors when choosing a repellent.
1. Type of fly repellents
At the moment, the fly repellents market is full of goods of various shapes and types. For example, fly spray is great for quick use for your child. Lotion and mosquito repellent, on the contrary, have more active substance. Therefore, they protect skin for a longer period and are suitable for hunters, athletes, fishermen, and so on. For your home, you can buy citronella candles that, when burning, will emit a smell for repelling flies. Another unusual option of fly repellents is incense sticks, which also perfectly repel flies and have the appearance of a straight stick or spiral. These incense sticks are perfect for family gatherings around the table. It all depends on your needs.
2. Structure
It is very important to become familiar with the composition of all the repellents that you buy. The most natural types of repellents include essential oils that can repel flies and remain harmless at the same time. Special chemical compounds such as Deet, Picaridin, Permethrin, and IR3535 are added to repellents. These chemicals are also absolutely safe for humans, but they can cause burning if they get into the eyes. Each of these substances has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. However, if you have an allergy after using a repellent, or the spray accidentally got into your eye or mouth, after which you feel bad, then be sure to contact the poison control center.
3. Duration of work
Good natural fly repellents contain the substance DEET, which protects you from unpleasant bugs for up to 10 hours. The best fly repellents that are used on the body usually protect only the area on which you apply the product. However, if you need to protect an entire house or apartment, you will choose between candles, aroma sticks, or ultrasonic devices.
In addition, do not forget that the repellent must protect against a wide range of living organisms. For example, some home repellents can also fight rodents and cockroaches, which is a huge advantage.
Other Methods of Pests Protection
Perhaps the problem with flies in your house is not permanent and you only need a solution for once or you want to increase safety from pests? Then there is no need to buy the best fly repellents, as using cheaper and more practical options is enough. At the end of the article, we will tell you about some of them.
1. Trap flies
This method is very simple. You just need to go to the nearest grocery store and buy a couple of fly traps. They are impregnated with a special agent to attract flies so they sit on this tape, not even suspecting that they have stuck. An excellent tool for one-time use. After that, the Velcro can be thrown out.
2. Apple cider vinegar solution
We should not forget to mention the preparation of the repellent by natural methods at home. To make your repellent, you need to mix a quarter cup of vinegar, half a cup of witch hazel, and a couple of drops of any essential oil. After that, apply the solution to the skin and let it dry. With this solution, you will be protected for some time since this substance repels flies and other unwanted bugs. In addition, you can apply this product to the windows so that mosquitoes do not fly into your house. In general, it is a good eco-friendly replacement for a repellent, but we advise you to buy a good repellent because it is important for your health.
3. Fly Swatter
It is another great device for catching flies. It may not be very humane, but it is so effective. The device consists of a small flat mesh on a long elastic handle so that you can quickly swat the annoying fly while she sits down to rest. The main disadvantages of this method are a difficult way of catching flies (you will have to take time for this) and traces left on the furniture and walls that will be difficult to wipe off. Therefore, use it only as a last resort.
4. Venus Flycatcher
This plant feeds exclusively on flies and small bugs that have carelessly sat on its cups. With the help of special processes, the plant realizes that a fly has landed on its cup and quickly slams it shut, firmly closing the fly into the trap. This method is not bad for the passive disposal of small flying pests. In addition, the Venus flycatcher will look good in your room.
Fly Repellent Takeaway
You never know when you might need protection from small bugs, mosquitoes, and flies. In such cases, you should always have a good remedy with you to protect your skin from bites and just to eliminate troubles. A good repellent should become as important as, for example, sunscreen. If you are an athlete who trains in an open space, a fan of hiking, or just a lover of wildlife, then you will definitely find our article useful. With its help, you will choose a suitable repellent for yourself so that it is always at your fingertips and can protect you.
Frequently Asked Questions — FAQ
What is the most effective fly deterrent?
Perhaps the most effective, universal, and safe means of repelling various bugs is fly repellent by OFF! The main thing is that it does not leave streaks on clothes and remains effective for several hours after spraying. Thanks to such long-lasting protection, you can go deep into the forest and not get a lot of bites.
What repellent keeps flies away?
There is a wide variety of working tools. The choice depends on which components you prefer: natural or chemical, as well as on the type of action: you may want to use spray, lotion, wet wipes, or even citronella candles. Learn more about each type of fly repellent by reading the article above.
How to get rid of flies and mosquitoes naturally?
If you do not want to deal with chemicals when protecting yourself against insects, then it will be a good idea to use products based on essential oils. They consist of natural ingredients and are not dangerous to humans and the environment. However, even for essential oils, there is a maximum amount for an application that should not be exceeded so as not to harm yourself.
Does lemongrass kill flies?
Actually, yes. Any natural insect repellent is not as effective as a chemical repellent. However, when using an essential oil, there will be fewer insects around. It can be added to the fly repellent candle and, due to geraniol and citral, two active components, repel insects.
How to control flies when camping?
The most effective solution that we can offer you is to use DEET sprays. If you want to have a picnic in the forest and rid the place of insects, then you will want to use some natural ways of protection such as a homemade repellent with essential oils or a candle that you can purchase in advance. This way you will clear a small area of insects.
What is the best spray for flies?
By far the most effective repellents work thanks to chemically active components: DEET and picaridin. For example, we recommend testing a spray from OFF! If you do not want to apply chemicals to your skin and clothes, then a natural spray from Buggins will be a good alternative. It also copes with the task perfectly.