If you are plotting a long-term survival trip, it is better to think about the get-home bag and the essential things to grab with you. The contents of your bug-out bag, carefully chosen and packed, can save your life in a survival situation. In this article, we have considered the essential items of gear from first-aid kits, straps, clothes, maps, self-defense weapons, flashlight, and more things you can fill the pockets of your bag with to be prepared for any survival scenario. Read on to find out.
The most elaborate plan for a camping trip will not save your life without a useful bag. As an experienced survivalist, you have to fill your backpack with equipment and provision to get home unharmed and quickly.
You will return home fast even in heavy traffic if you pack a Get Home Bag.
This article will introduce you to insights about the world of Get Home bags or Bug Out bags for survival:
- Who Will Benefit from Having a GHB
- Types of Bags for Survival
- The Peculiarities of a GHB
- Why Do You Need to Build GHB
- Essential Properties of a Get Home Bag
- The 10 Most Important for a Get Home Bag Contents
After reading this review, every person will be possible to choose a bag and items for GHB. Read carefully and make some notes. You will be thankful for this material is in emergencies.
Who Will Benefit from Having a Get Home Bag
The answer is obvious. Everyone will find a Get Home Bag an irreplaceable thing in their everyday routine!
Urban conditions are a mixture of unexpected and dangerous situations. People living in cities with loaded traffic will especially understand the problem of long transportation home by car. It means that a city dweller also needs to build a GHB.
It will be suitable for:
- Students and pupils who spend time on the campus.
- Retired people who enjoy walking a lot.
- Workers who have their office outside the home.
There are so few positions in which people do not need to have a GHB. It is valuable for everyone leaving home constantly.
If there is no lockdown and you spend more than 2 hours per day outside your home, please look at this review, and you will be capable of building Get Home Bag by yourself.
Types of Survival Bags
We think it is the best moment to make your knowledge about survival bags deeper! Learn more about the differences between bags you will need to build before the trip.
Here we present the 5 most popular types of bags for various objectives:
- Survivalists fill a bug out bag with a provision for a few days to change position from hazardous to a riskless one.
- After injuring, all medical purposes are placed in the medical first aid kit (or a trauma kit).
- A survival bag comprises gear capable of saving your or someone’s life. It might be useful at unpredictable moments during your outdoor activity.
- If you will live following the nomadic lifestyle and there is no chance you will return to your homeplace, you need to take an inch bag. It includes all facilities needed for successful survival.
- A Get Home Bag makes it easier to return home during the spread of emergencies without a car. It is a space-saving bag with crucial tools and provision for your secure road to your homeplace.
The Peculiarities of a Get Home Bag
A GHB is more comprehensive as it not only keeps you alive during a collapse but has an opportunity to return you home. What is the meaning of strong water and stockpiling survival food if it does not help get to an endless amount of food and water at home?
A Get Home Bag is your guide to promptly searching for the road to the home, even if you are far away from home and have no access to a car. It is your survival kit in any situation outside your homeplace.
Why You Need a Get Home Bag
You will ask, what are the crucial reasons I need to buy and fill this bag? Let us explore several of them!
Imagine a situation when there is a common panic, public transport is locked, and you are on the other side of the city from your dear people. You want to be at home at this moment to be in a safe place, but a disaster strikes ruin roads, and you have to leave your car here and find a road to home.
A Get Home Bag is as essential for survival as the 2 weeks provision of food and water!
People spend more than 25% of their time getting home from the office. Your life consists of so few memorable moments, but you waste your time on the road home. You want to spend less time and nerves on transportation, don’t you?
You or your loved ones will return home undamaged and healthy only if you have this bag, especially when you cannot use a car or any public transportation.
A Get Home Bag is an important thing for safety in emergencies. Make it home and take it with you every time you are going to go outside.
Essential Properties of a Get Home Bag
Now we are almost ready to explore Get Home Bag contents, but firstly let’s set some rules about the bag’s choice.
Choose the lasting, compact, and well-designed bag. It should also be affordable as survival does not require expensive tools. Be confident that the bag will not let you down in the case of accidents. Your old sport or the cheapest bags are not suitable for the goal of getting home.
Preparing your backpack, pay attention to its size!
The 72-hour bug out bag is too bulky for a GHB. It should be made of durable fabric with robust zippers for your confidence in the success of getting home. So, waist bags and purses will not give you any benefits in getting home safely.
Choose an appropriate structure for your Get Home Bag. Well constructed bags with several compartments will make your survival easier as you will know the location of every tool you need in particular situations.
Finally, the camouflage bag will not match your everyday lifestyle. Choose the one you will be satisfied with during your educational, working or recreational process.
Have a look at the review on a get home bag, go bag, and bug out bag perfectly matching criteria for survival. EVATAC produces the most comfortable survival bags at affordable prices. Have a look at the Combat Bag!
The 10 Most Important Get Home Bag Contents
Ultralight Shelter for Crisis Situation
Make sure you grab a portable tent able to keep your body warm independently from the temperature outside. Pay attention to the fact that the road to home can take more than 2 days, and there is a low probability that you could find a shelter!
We offer you a great alternative to a simple tent – Tact Bivvy Emergency Sleeping Bag.
It is made of a special thin fabric Mylar introduced by NASA. Mylar is a unique material because it allows people to stay warm in a sleeping kit.
There is no other technology being extra light and making your sleep as hot in freeze places as this sleeping bag.
We tested it at a temperature of 40-degree outside, and it became 80-degree inside after only 10 minutes!
You must set a place for the Tact Bivvy in your bag! See my video on this super for survival sleeping bag.
Tools for Water Cleaning
You suppose that your route home from the university will occupy only one hour, and you can endure thirst for this period. But what if a critical situation appears and you have no capability to return home or buy water in stores for several days?
There are alternative natural sources of water such as rivers or reservoirs, but drinking from them can be poisonous for your body. There are plenty of viruses that will make you fall ill and create the road to home a terrible ordeal.
We insist you pack purification tools for natural water as you will need to consume it for days or weeks. Bottled water takes a lot of space in a bag and greatly weights down a backpack.
The best strategy is to include both a water filter and cleaning tablets into a GHB!
Water Cleaning Tablets
Purification tablet is a necessary thing for every survivalist. Tablets are compact and convenient in usage. You need to insert it in a container with water from the natural springs, and it does everything by itself.
Make sure you take a couple of them to satisfy thirst during a whole disaster.
The least harmful way will be to clean water with a tablet and then run it through a survival water filter Sawyer mini.
Sawyer Mini Water Filter
This ultralight filter allows you to purify up to 378,541 bottles of water! If you plan a hike or another recreational activity, we recommend buying a sawyer mini water filter!
Unique technology makes the water filter possible to eliminate 99,99% of dangerous microorganisms. Besides, this high-quality tool is affordable for every survivalist and makes it possible to travel long distances!
Watch the video with a description of the Sawyer Mini Water Filter.
Stainless Steel Water Bottle
- Make sure your bottle is suitable for water boiling! Why? You may run out of filter equipment and will have to boil water to clean it for drinking.
- Do not buy plastic bottles for your GHB. Plastic bottles will melt by the impact of fire or direct heat, and you may get chemical poisoning and lose your bottle for the rest survival.
- Double-walled bottles are also not a suitable option. This type of bottle prevents water from a fast temperature change. It means you will waste the most costly thing you have – your time. But we want to get home promptly, don’t we? Besides, there is a probability of an explosion of bottles under active heating. It happens because of the expansion of oxygen between walls during heating. At some point, the pressure in the bottle will become as high that it will burst and deprive you of the single bottle you have. So, you can survive without a hot cup of coffee, can’t you?
- A stainless steel water container with a single wall is the most suitable option for a Get Home Bag! Set the rule to fill the bottle with fresh water every day to be saved from thirst in emergencies.
550 Paracord
Paracord bracelet is an integral part of survivalist. It has an enormous number of ways to use it, and it can be valuable in saving someone’s life.
You can put it in your GHB or wear it but be certain you have it every time outside the home!
Do you know the way it can be used? Check it here. Otherwise, it will become an extra burden for you.
Portable Charger and Batteries
Electronic devices are our everyday use items, but how to keep them away from EMP and save their batteries’ lives as long as possible? Power banks will help you to stay tuned miles from home. Of course, they can also be discharged after several days of survival. The portable solar charger is an irreplaceable thing for long staying out of the home.
A Survival Knife
It is also important to check the quick availability of a folding knife in GHB to help dangerous situations.
The shoulder strap is the handiest place to locate a knife in your get home bag. You will have an opportunity to take the knife rapidly and protect yourself from external risks.
Energy Bars with a Long Storage Period
However, you still need to pack energetic food into your GHB but, please, follow our instructions for a successful choice of it:
- Choose snacks that could not go bad after two days of your road to home. Think about the conditions it can be stored in your bag. There could be high or extremely low temperature and exposure to light rays. These factors adversely affect most food in shops. Pay attention to its expiry date to be confident you will not have starvation before you get home.
- Pack high-calorie energy bars. Food should take up only a small percentage of the volume and weight of your get home bag. We recommend you choose compact bars high in calories for maintenance of basic energy level!
Pocket Radio
Katio Pocket Radio can set a connection for long distances and is the right size for GHB.
Your main goal is to build a bag with all the necessary tools for survival, keeping it lightweights and small. Katio Pocket Radio matches this goal perfectly!
Summing Up
Now you are ready to pack your own Get Home Bag! Leave your house every day with confidence that you will return home. Of course, you can put additional items into a get-home bag, for example, something like a change of clothes, first-aid or fire-starting gear, but be prepared for unexpected events and traveling for several days with a heavy bag.
Make sure you remember all rules we gave you in this article, use high-quality tools, and be relaxed during your trips for long distances. This bag will get you home fast and accurately in an emergency!
What should I carry in my EDC bag?
Put all items valuable for your day out of the home. It could be a cell phone, a bottle of water, or keys. Heavy items can give you discomfort and tiredness. Keep your EDC bag light and tiny to feel vigorously and energetically.
Do you really need a bug out bag?
Of course, you do! There are so many unstable and sudden situations in the world that will lock you in a place without any food and shelter far away from home. You should always be prepared for such cases. Ensure you properly pack a bug-out bag and take everything that will help you stay alive outside your homeplace.
What should be in a 72-hour bug out bag?
Be confident that you have everything for any dangerous situation. Here is the list of items: water bottle, food, tools helpful to start a fire, shelter, clothing, first aid kit, toilet paper, lighting, tools for communication, mechanisms for self-defense, rain gear, various gear.
What should you pack in your everyday bag?
It is up to you what you need during your everyday life. We advise you to take a sanitizer, a dust mask, a small first aid kit, phone, charger, snacks, and water. If you live or walk through criminal locations, a self-defense weapon, for example, pepper spray, is necessary to deal with attackers.
How to build a get home bag?
This report describes this process from a full perspective. You need to prepare a comfortable and durable bag with many compartments. Briefly, do not overweight it and take only the most necessary items. Here is the list of them: steel water bottles, energy bars, knives, light sleeping kits, portable radio, water filter and purification tablets, solar power bank. All these things will help you get home.